First experience with paranormal experiens


New Member
Iv never believed in any ghost stories, I wouldn't believe in ghost until the day iv experienced paranormal evidence of ghost first-hand. It all started the day my best friend and I moved into the house located in town that was owned by his parents, this house was built in 1920. My first experiences in the house started with hearing somebody walking around down stairs when I was home alone. My second experience was when I was sleeping and it sounded as of a girls voice yelled my name, I woke up and yelled "What Sam!?" "Sam was my friends girl friend at the time. Another night Sam was washing dishes and thought she heard somebody walking past behind her, she has also heard a voice call her name. Later that same night while I was laying in bed, it sounded clear as day as if somebody was walking around down stairs I sent a text to Sam to ask what she was doing down there, Sam replied saying she was laying in bed. I of course checked down stairs and No body was there. Today nobody lives there. My friend and I will crash there some days when we are drunk and need a place nearby to crash. Last Friday my girlfriend, and I were staying over. She fell asleep on the couch. I walked next door to my cousins to have some drinks. While I was gone she told me she woke up to the sounds of somebody coming down stairs, she just pulled the covers over her head and ignored the noise until it stopped. Finally she uncovered herself, at that point she saw a young girl wearing a 1900s style night gown sitting at the end of the couch staring at the wall......this would be the first time anybody in that house has seen this's safe to say I'm a firm believer in the paranormal now...


Active Member
I have something haunting my house. "He's" not harmful. He just like to slam doors and open windows every now and then.


New Member
About 20 years ago my boyfriend and I had rented an old farm house out in the middle of hundreds of acres of grape vines, it was a beautiful old home, built in the early 1920' s, my boyfriend and I were the second family to live there after the original family moved away. When we first moved in things were ok for a few weeks, then we started noticing things getting broken, little keep sakes, glass, my bong. Anyway, one day we were both working in the yard, I was in the front yard and he was in the side yard I heard a big crash and the sound of broken glass, so I run in the don't for thinking "ok what did he break" as I entered the front door he entered the side door thinking "what did she break". We both entered the house at the same time and looked confusingly at each other, we walked towards the kitchen where the noise came from. There was glass exploded all over the kitchen, one of the cabinets had bed been blown open and glass was all over the kitchen, some had blown all the way into the dining to room, we were alittle freaked, we checked for any bullets holes in the cabinet, since we lived out in the boonies it was possible for a stray bullet coming from one of the ranches. We checked thoroughly and could find no evidence of the house being hit. At this point I was at my wits end. I stood in the middle of the house, the living room and asked the...whoever, to please quit breaking my stuff, I told it that we lived that old house and we would continue to love it and take the best care we could of it, so please quit breaking my shit...and Thank You.
After that we never had that type of issue again. But as time went by, we did have encounters with it, many times I would be reading in my chair in the living room, which backed up to the hall way to the dining room, several times my dog would sit right up and stare behind me, head cocked to the side and just calm and curious, the first time it happen I turned around to talk to my boyfriend thinking he had got out of bed, but as I turned around to look there would be no one there, it was kinda creepy the first time, but I felt if my dog was not alarmed then neither should I be. As three years why by, my boyfriend would work out of town and I would be there alone for a week of more at a time....I never felt alone there, always felt comfortable with my ghost, for the longest time I thought it was a him, cuz I knew the old man died here in the house many years ago.
Well, one night my girl friend called me and asked if she could stay the night at my house because she and her husband had gotten in a fight, I was in town at the time and told her I would start heading home be there in 30, I asked her where she was at and she said "sitting in your driveway, I told her I'd be right there.
When I got there she asked me "who's here"? I told her no one why, she said yeah there's an old woman in the kitchen, she was loop looking out the window watching the dogs, she said the dogs saw her also because they both stopped playing and looked up at her.
I was sooo excited, it was a her and someone had actually seen her. I was asking my friend a million questions about her. My friend was totally freaked, she refused to stay overnight, I told her I would sleep out in the living room with her, she would have no part of it.....she went home to her husband that night.
I felt even closer to my ghost after that, I would talk to her sometimes. When I moved away from that house a couple of years later, I gave hear a tearful good bye, and that I would never forget her and the comfort I felt having her there when I spent so much time alone way out there in the middle of no where.
Well that's my ghost story, it always brings a smile to my face when I think about her.
