Google Chrome


Re: Google Chrome

I'm using it, it's great.
Firefox 3 was fast at first, but it became slow after a few weeks.
I did set it as my default browser too :)



Active Member
Re: Google Chrome

Ive got a couple more things to say about this browser.

I really like the default homepage. I like how it puts thumbnails of recently visited bookmarks on there. Once that is filled up I wont need to use the bookmarks button anymore. I like to how I can just type my search into the address bar and it automatically does a google search. Makes it so I dont need a search toolbar.

I'm still getting crashes when going into options. It seems to be okay for a little while after I restart, but after a while if i try to clear history or even open the options menu it crashes. THe only way to fix it is to restart my pc. I tried killing running tasks instead of restarting, but i cant figure it out. Although when it crashes it sends a errorreport to google everytime, so hopefully it gets fixed.

I also noticed it adds an extra running task called "googleUpdate.exe". I dont knowif its necessary this runs all the time, but sometimes it has signifacnt cpu usage. Its not related to my crashes either. It would be nice if it would just check for updates when i started it, then kill the task.

All in all though, I'm really liking it. They're small problems, and havent stopped me from leaving it as my default browser.


Senior Member
Re: Google Chrome

I honestly wasn't expecting a whole lot. I remember how crappy GoogleTalk turned out to be so I was expecting something along those lines.

Chrome is really very nice, and I can tell that once the plugins and stuff start coming Firefox will actually have some competition.


Active Member
Re: Google Chrome

It looks pretty cool, but as this is not my computer I will not download it just yet.

I really like the idea with the tabs memory. How it completley erases it so it will continue to go fast. I've been on the computer a long time and had my browser slowly die and couldn't figure out why, and now I know :)


Senior Member
Re: Google Chrome

I'm so impressed with this browser it's amazing. Haven't been excited about SOFTWARE in ... Well... Ever.

I went back to Firefox and immediately felt how bloated and slow it felt. I'm only using the Web Developer toolbar and AdBlock so it shouldn't feel like that. Chrome feels so much faster.

You think they'll rename it when it's out of beta? I think Firefox was called Phoenix or something before it was finished.


Active Member
Re: Google Chrome

Webnower said:
You think they'll rename it when it's out of beta? I think Firefox was called Phoenix or something before it was finished.

Maybe they'll rename it Google Platinum? The final version will have 24" rims and TVs in the headrests. There's gonna be a lot of haters. Sorry bad joke. :)

THe 64bit beta version of firefox is called minefield I think.

THe only plugin I used for mozilla was the downthemall download accelerator. I havent tested the download speeds of chrome against firefox, but firefox rarely hit my bandwidth speed cap on its own from unlimited servers. I've heard alot of good things about adblock, unfortunately I never heard about it until after chrome came out though. But if it comes out for chrome I'll be getting it.


Senior Member
Re: Google Chrome

AdBlock is great. I don't really give a shit if I see ads on whatever site I visit, but it's a pain when they take 45 seconds to download from whatever rinky-dink server they're hosted on. Makes things a lot faster.


Active Member
Re: Google Chrome

The new Developer's Chrome Beta has an auto language translate feature. Browsers should have had this feature built in years ago. I was just telling a friend the other day that I can't believe none have this feature without a plug-in. And now look what google goes and does...

The installer wouldn't work for me and it would hang. Everyone might not have this problem, but using winrar I just extracted the files to a temp folder and ran the .exe. Installed and working great now.
