Has science explained away the magic of existence?


Junior Member
I'm curious to know people's thoughts...

I'm not a scientist and don't come from a scientific background. I studied sciences at school, that's where my science knowledge starts & ends though.

What I am curious about is what we are not taught and what knowledge is kept 'under wraps'. Has the education system been designed in such a way that it detracts us from the truth & real scientific knowledge, in order to keep infinite wisdom from us? Have we been intentionally deluded from the true nature of all things around us, and within us?

It amazes me that many cultures in different parts of the world, particularly tribal cultures, posses knowledge and wisdom that 'modern day science' is only now starting to realise. Or 'discover'. Yet this knowledge has been in the possession of humanity for thousands of years.

What happened, how did it become 'lost'? Has it been intentional?

Knowledge is power and if people were armed with the facts, how different would our world be? How different would each individual be and humanity as a whole, if people had access to information that could free them from a life of systematic bondage, and open them to the true magic of existence?

The possibilities could be endless.
