Haunting Time Limit


Active Member
So I'm noticing a trend on these ghost hunting TV shows. Most of these people say they didn't notice anything for the first 6 months. I wonder why it took the ghost that long to come out? I mean I've only been in my house 3 months and I'm telling you from day 1 I noticed every little creak in this place.


Some people are more sensitive than others. If you generally don't believe in spirits, you may not relate particular occurances to those caused by a ghost. Also, remember, time is different in the spirit realm. Perhaps it just had to step out for a smoke. LOL. Joke.

I don't like those shows. First, I know about most of the people on them and only a small handful are decent human beings. Second, producers have a lot to say about what "happens" and third, it is not as spooky, glamorous, and exciting as they make it out to be.


Senior Member
Little changes in the house can cause activity, or it could be a residual haunting and wasn't active until a trigger event or time occurred, and i agree with Paula i rearly watch those shows anymore i feel most of it is staged at this point with the full camera groups and producers and editing going on.

Needs to be how Ghost Adventures use to be or Paranormal State.

only thing i watch now is paranormal witness


Junior Member
My guilty pleasure ghost show is Ghost Adventures. I know the producers generally over-dramatize; however, I also cannot deny the evidence the three men capture. I myself have had clear as day EVP's much like the ones they capture. They do not cover sounds with background music, and it is just the three of them. I like the fact that they incorporate different spirituality's with the investigations as opposed to strictly science because let's face it, surely if there are ghosts, the demonic, and angels, how can you not believe in something? I suppose that is why I'm so enticed with the show.

...I didn't notice any spiritual activity in my dads house until about a year after moving in. I don't know what caused it, but I believe it has something to do with the piano we brought in the house when I started taking lessons. Nothing happened until then. Sometimes an object can trigger activity. Honestly, I have not seen anything directly in a long time. I still have occasional experience, but I haven't physically witnessed a spirit in awhile, and mostly because I do not want to open that door.


where the wild things are
i agree with Paula i rearly watch those shows anymore i feel most of it is staged at this point with the full camera groups and producers and editing going on.

Yeah *coughghosthunterscough*

I have a friend who was in an episode of Ghost Hunters. He told me he found fishing wire wrapped around a doorknob that supposedly a ghost slams the door in the episode. Can't recall the episode, but I can ask my friend, he'll tell me.

Also their little 2008 halloween "You should not be here" piped in audio feed ruined it for me too.
