Hearing Voices at Night


I had a weird occurrence happen to me yesterday afternoon. I was parked at the side of the road resting while listening to the radio. I looked over to my right and seen a black woman staring at me. Just then her eyes went wide open as if surprised. She said "Can you see me?" I said yes. Then she said "Are you sleeping?" I was in a restive state, so I said yes. Then she went on her way. Now I wasn't actually sleeping. But I was very relaxed like one might be when going to sleep. So this makes me wonder if I was in a mixed sleep-awake state that allowed me to consciously experience both states at the same time. Or what if there are beings that are usually invisible to us?
Yes to both.

There is a whole other community that is known very little about.

Most are Spirits of people just like you and I.
Now, imagine yourself as one of them who's grown used to being ignored and frustrated
because there's no interaction with the embodied anymore.
Then this woman who's staring at you comes along.

She asked if you were sleeping, you replied and she left.

Imagine if you had said, "No, I can see you."

A whole other world could have emerged.

I have told a great many this analogy throughout life as both wisdom and warning.
When spirits know, they follow you and the next thing you might receive is an unwelcome presence.

In laymen's terms?

People in general have grown away from the possibilities of there being a life after death
and it would blow your mind to realize just how large it really is.

