

New Member
Hi everyone. My name is Matt, I'm 26 and I live in Maine. As my handle suggests, I'm an avid Boston hockey fan; don't let that scare you! I'm also an amateur author and though I haven't put pen to paper in a long while, I occasionally jot notes after staying awake for hours unable to sleep because I have what I think is a new idea. I have a couple projects that have kinda stalled out and I am looking for direction and inspiration. But I digress...

What led me here was an experience I had a couple years ago. Most people have laughed it off because it doesn't fit with what they believe, but I know what I saw and would like to share experiences with others. I've read a few posts in the past couple days and I'm interested in interacting with you guys, sharing opinions and stories and trying to make more sense of the universe.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Welcome! :)

You've come to the right place, can't wait to hear about your experience!



New Member
I deeply apologize, I thought I posted this in the introduction forum, but Tapatalk changed their app and made me post it in here. If this can be moved then please do and I won't be offended.

My experience was around November 2011. I was taking my dog out for his nightly walk. I stepped out onto the porch and saw a plane flying off in the distance. I'm an aviation buff and when I see a plane I'll wonder which airline, type, where they are going, and where they are from. I also saw three planets in the sky over my head but slightly to the right of me. They were in a triangular formation and then, I realized, these weren't planets, no where they stars because they were much larger--like a planet--and they also weren't planes. I had my reference point, the plane I saw almost straight ahead above the horizon, and another plane further to the right, almost 90 degrees to my right, at around the same relative altitude to get first. These three lights were NOT planes, nor were they planets. One was about 20 degrees in front of me, one almost directly over me, and the other to the right of both of them. A nearly perfect triangle.

I had left my phone on the counter in my apartment. I watched the sky for about 30 to 45 seconds, to make sure what I was seeing was what I was seeing. I watched the plane in front of me flash it's lights and move across the horizon. I then watched the other plane do the same. I made sure it wasn't just three planes. I saw stars, much much fainter than the two planes and even more faint than the three other lights. I watched, collected mental notes, made sure that I wasn't just seeing what I wanted to see.

After watching for almost a minute, I went inside to grab my phone. I nearly tripped over myself while running. My girlfriend was on the couch asking what was wrong and I tried to tell her but I was too focused on my phone. I grabbed it, ran back outside in 10 seconds flat, and to my dismay, the lights were gone. Typical UFO sighting story, no photographic or video evidence. I searched the sky and turned around. I located the lights behind me, still looking like how planets look in the sky, but no longer in a visible triangle shape. One of the points had dropped behind the treeline and the other was nestled next to a building. If I had taken a picture, it would have just shown two planet-like lights in the sky without any evidence of what I had seen. But I know what I saw. And for something to move that fast, that suddenly, and that quietly, I know I had an experience beyond our world.

As expected, I told my girlfriend right after this sighting, and she didn't believe me. I didn't expect her to, as she's not a believer in UFO's, and she doesn't really want there to be extra terrestrial life.

A quick background on myself: I grew up in a Baptist family, and while my dad and I had always talked since I was younger about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, it's not something I actively search for. Typically, religious beliefs contradict the possibility of any other life, even though the Bible doesn't explicitly say there is none. It's just not something I go searching for.

I would like to have this experience again, and maybe get solid evidence that I can post here or elsewhere, but for now, all I have is what is forever in my memory.


Time Travel Professor
Welcome new member SaveByRask to this great forum, your schooling will
start with the reading of posting here and asking questions about
Time Travel and ET's.

Professor Opmmur
