Henry Norman Did not believe time travel was real.

Here’s what he said.

Imagine a line constantly growing forward in one direction and as it's doing so, the lines behind it is getting deleted so that no one can go back there to change anything. You have to understand that humans perception of time (hr,min,sec) binds us from looking at "true time", "true time" dont give a shit about our perception of time.

Everything in the universe is in motion because FORCE exist in the universe (I feel that you where trying to state that time makes things move)

You could say "time" is there so that the process of something takes place. Eg. You drop a ball to see the point of impact with the ground, to witness the process of it dropping. So time has other function than to let the process of things play out

"Take a look around! What you see is a Universe where there is no "time," only a never-ending continuous succession of Now. "Time" is what we measure with devices called "clocks." Physics has no definition of "time," and using "time" as a "Fourth Dimension" is a convenient mathematical model, invented to simplify theories (no such "dimension" actually exists). We experience a "Flow of Time" thanks to our conscious minds, we "remember the past," and we "plan for the future," but neither exists, there is only Now: all "past moments" are gone, forever, and the "future" is yet to unfold. This does not mean that everything is "recreated" for each Now, most of what unfolds as the Universe keeps "reconfiguring" itself, persists." - Henry K.O Norman
