How STUPID can parents be? This stupid!


Senior Member
Warning: The video is disturbing.

How STUPID can parents be? This stupid! Idiots!
They're lucky they didn't kill their kid. They need Parenting Classes!

Worst Parent of the Week: Dad Puts Toddler in Washing Machine and Turns it On

There's no way to know what the parents were thinking. Maybe they were trying to scare their kid into good behavior. Maybe they were just goofing around. Maybe they thought it would be funny -- there's a large sign hanging above the machines, saying "Junior Wash: $2.95." Whatever it was, it could have easily ended in tragedy.

In the silent footage from the laundromat's security camera, the dad scoops up the diaper-clad toddler, shoves him head first into the front-loading washer, and shuts the door. He and the mom seem amused at first, but panic quickly sets in when they realize that they can't get the washer door open. It's locked automatically, and the tot is trapped inside as the washer starts to run.

There's no way to know what the parents were thinking. Maybe they were trying to scare their kid into good behavior. Maybe they were just goofing around. Maybe they thought it would be funny -- there's a large sign hanging above the machines, saying "Junior Wash: $2.95." Whatever it was, it could have easily ended in tragedy.

In the silent footage from the laundromat's security camera, the dad scoops up the diaper-clad toddler, shoves him head first into the front-loading washer, and shuts the door. He and the mom seem amused at first, but panic quickly sets in when they realize that they can't get the washer door open. It's locked automatically, and the tot is trapped inside as the washer starts to run.

What you expect when you scratch the bottom of the gene pool..... You end up with some very bizarre people not smart enough even be able to find the bathroom with all the lights on. This guy gets my vote for being the most incredibly stupid person of the week.

I saw this a while ago and, I honestly cannot believe how stupid that person is, if you can't think about what events can happen do to your actions then, your not fit to be a parent in my opinion at least. It's a gold saying "For every action is a reaction"

btw the video is now removed.

I just don't see the point of putting your kid in a washing machine for fun or for any reason at all.
If I was a lifeguard at a community pool and they were swimmers. I would point at them, blow my whistle and demand them out of the Gene Pool. Absolute Stupidity.
There's no hope; this generation of parents and children is truly lost. I was at the mall earlier today and noticed all the squaking, screaming little brats everywhere. They throw themselves on the floor, screech like animals and the parents just stand there and act like it's all normal. It's because of all the pollution and chemicals in the food.
