How to handle the feelings from other person.


Junior Member
Hello people, well I want handle the feelings or mind from other people, mainly whit bad people that has problems with me. I like meet some máster to teach or a some excersice this ability.


A book that helped me understand how I and other people function emotionally, is Power vs Force from David Hawkins.

It really helps you understand people's motivations, how and why they feel according to their level of consciousness.

As you'll read in the small snippets bellow, the book is about MUCH more than that. But from what I remember, there's a lot of stuff in regards to how people and their emotions work. After all, most of what happens to you and others is the result of actions: yours or others. And those actions often are the result of emotions. Yours and others.

I just found out this book has now become the first 1 of a series of 9. I'm considering re-reading it, then read the rest.

Oh, and there's the map of consciousness levels.


Power vs. Force

Imagine—what if you had access to a simple yes-or-no answer to any question you wished to ask? A demonstrably true answer. Any question . . . think about it.— from the Foreword

We think we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control.— from the author’s Preface

The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought, and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all.— from Power vs. Force
