i was astrally projected in time


Senior Member
it's tron i was astrally projected in time yesterday because a certain medication wasn't refilled on time that night which was last night, i had a dream i took five medications of the same pill and was projected to the future and on my neighbor's deck in the summer time my neighbor's friend was doing something very illegal and tried to get in my neighbor's house like he always does. he was with four hookers and his girlfriend. he is also a level 3 and he got out of the house and he slid down the porch stairwell and broke it. the porch was old it was really windy out and summer time early morning and my neighbor was playing grand theft auto eight. for what system i do not know all as i know that he was playing a video game and lying down and this kid comes into play. i don't know what this means but i know i was astrally projected last night because it was snowing out here i didn't check the year or time i knew it felt like five a.m. or six. it was just turning to day and this stuff was happening then i woke up. lol as much as i felt that the dream was real and frightening, it was still a dream. if you have any comments or questions, type here


Junior Member
I want to make sure I understand what you're saying. You believe u were astrally projected into the future because you didn't take your prescribed medication?


Senior Member
that is correct it is p[ossible my thoughts may induced that my paranoia was caused to disrupt the timeline and I projected into the future I saw the ford sedan economy car the ford galaxy and a couple of other cars that I could not make out while I was there
