I wrote a song about it, wanna hear it? Here it goes...


I never formally introduced myself. I just jumped in and started swimming. Below you will find my resume for your consideration.

Name: Octavusprime
Age: 31
Location: NorCal

I'm a cup half empty yet overflowing. A dark spot in the center of fire. The calming storm of revelation. Too many halves to make a whole.

My schooling revolves around genetics and the art of beer craft. I've been enjoying this place so far. My abrasiveness is the outer shell of a gentler core.

Most of my paranormal experience revolves around aliens. Strange coincidences and dreams revel something strange is a foot.

My first experience happened in the late 80's. My mother decided to help her best friend move out of her parents house. The parents house was a farm house in Wisconsin. We lived in a small town in upstate NY. One night I went to sleep and had dreams about the evolution of man. I was 7-8 and had no idea what evolution was. The rest is what was told to me by my parents.

Somehow I slept walked down 2 flights of stairs and wondered a few miles through corn fields. I was found by the neighbor farmer around dawn. I was standing in the middle of a clearing with a blank stare. The farmer was a friend of the family and knew my family was out visiting. He brought me back and the entire time I didn't speak as if in shock. Once I saw my mother is when I woke up out of my trance. I was hysterical crying but did not know why. This was the first time I felt absolute fear for no apparent reason. I was soon to know that feeling very well.

When I was 10 I was driving with this same family in NY. My friend and I were in the van with his mother, two sisters and my brother. We were coming to the end of my street when we noticed a saucer shaped object with glowing lights hovering above a neighbors house. It was late around 11pm. We stopped the van in the middle of the street and watched it excitedly. It then went dark and disappeared.

The strangest part about this story is how many of us saw it. Slowly our memories of the event have faded. My friends mother no longer remembers this event. I remember talking about it in detail for years. Maybe she just doesn't want people to think she is crazy or maybe we are being made to forget.. It's only when I spoke to my friend recently about it that I started to remember it more vividly. As if it was clouded out of remembrance.

There were many other strange lights seen in the skies of upstate NY in the years I lived there.

The last story is the one that gives me chills even as I sit and type this. I was 13 and asleep in my bedroom. I woke suddenly with the most dreadful fear I've ever had. It was paralyzing. That feeling of dread that sinks all the way into the pit of your gut . Debilitating to the point of losing the ability to move.

I looked towards my door and the source of my fear. In the doorway stood a shadow of a being. No features could be discerned. I stared at it for seconds waiting for my eyes to adjust to the lack of light. Minutes hoping it would vanish. It was there. I stared for 10 minutes frozen. Finally I buried my face under my covers and wept uncontrollably. It seemed like hours before I gained enough courage to look again. It was gone. I ran up to my parents room and woke them. It was very late maybe 2-3 am.

I said "someone is in the house!" My dad searched the house. All doors and windows were locked. Nobody was inside. I swore I saw it. I slept on my parents floor for months after this event. I'm fearless in many senses of the word. Something caused that Dread. Utter fear that wakes you from dead sleep, fear that terrifies you to the bone. Every so often I will wake up in the middle of the night with that uneasy feeling. The next day I feel like I pulled an all nighter. It happens less frequently as I've gotten older. Once or twice a year. I'm convinced something is being done to me without my consent.

The dreams are to strange to explain rationally but usually accompany these nights. Most of my dreams have to do with the end of the world. Sometimes I'm being chased or hunted. Othertimes I'm fighting in some kind of war.

Anyway sorry for the wall of text. Glad to be here.




I just replied to Kes.R. concerning a similar type experience. You may wish to check into it also. For you, per your story, it began at the "right age". Maybe it will shed some light on your experiences too.
Night Terrors Resource Center
Night terror - PubMed Health

I never thought of that. I won't rule anything out. It is strange however that since the first incident I have been fearful of aliens. ET was terrifying as a child. Regardless I believe in the existance of aliens and would not be surprised to find out that they come down and influence man in one way or another.
