Instant time travel?


New Member
So... I see tons of typing, but no actual instructions?
Would be nice to do it like, now?

It's 15:01 PM here and I'd really like to do it before 01:00 AM...
I hate being under pressure!


Maybe Traveler Malaki could help you on that one. I don't remember if he still does, but he used to travel through time using intense meditation.
Traveler Malaki | Paranormalis


Senior Member
So... I see tons of typing, but no actual instructions?
Would be nice to do it like, now?

It's 15:01 PM here and I'd really like to do it before 01:00 AM...
I hate being under pressure!

You want to Time Travel...Now? Meet Veruca!
I couldn't resist. :D

When one of my sons was a small child, whenever he demanded something Now, I called him "Veruca's brother". He hated it when I said that, and he would stop having a tantrum.



New Member

Maybe Traveler Malaki could help you on that one. I don't remember if he still does, but he used to travel through time using intense meditation.
Traveler Malaki | Paranormalis

Thanks Numenorean7, thank you very much!!

So... I see tons of typing, but no actual instructions?
Would be nice to do it like, now?

It's 15:01 PM here and I'd really like to do it before 01:00 AM...
I hate being under pressure!

You want to Time Travel...Now? Meet Veruca!
I couldn't resist. :D

When one of my sons was a small child, whenever he demanded something Now, I called him "Veruca's brother". He hated it when I said that, and he would stop having a tantrum.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, love that and the Johnny Depps Version!

But I'm seriously stupid and I prefer to commit suicide if time travel doesn't work.
I refuse to live in this atmosphere...


Senior Member
But I'm seriously stupid and I prefer to commit suicide if time travel doesn't work.
I refuse to live in this atmosphere...

Suicide is not the fact, you would end up in a much worse situation.

Everyone has a purpose in life. God put you in this time and place for a reason. You just need to discover what that reason is. You need to be patient. Patience is a virtue, and it does not always come easy, but once learned it makes life much easier.

God works in mysterious ways. Wait and see what He has in store for you.

Besides, someday the secrets of Time Travel will be discovered. Perhaps you will be around when it is. :)

Also, the times that we are living in now will change drastically...soon, according to Bible and Hopi Prophecies. So stick around, as things won't always be like this.


So... I see tons of typing, but no actual instructions?
Would be nice to do it like, now?

It's 15:01 PM here and I'd really like to do it before 01:00 AM...
I hate being under pressure!

What kind of atmosphere do you live in?

I have always found the idea of packing some bags and leaving much more desirable to suicide. If there is a will there is always a way. Suicide... that ensures your situation won't get better.


New Member
I don't even know how to pray, as my parents didn't really want me to get religious or were lazy,
so I'm... atheist, but if it could make me time travel... I'm willing to believe it and cry for it to happen
like now.

The atmosphere I live in, is basically horrible.
First, I live in a really small house, with my dad and my dog.
It has cables everywhere and cloth as well, as there is no more space.
The house is dirty and everything else. I also don't really trust any member
of my small family so it's like anywhere I go I feel bad.
I can't do nothing alone, even go to the shop down the street and buy a bottle of water,
I start to feel sort of dizzy, almost crying, slowing down... and if someone I don't know
talked to me, if I even answered, I'd speak like my "volume" was on 00.01%.
I can't do nothing alone, neither no one is really willing to be my friend.
Also, I feel so bad I just "live" in my bed, and barely go out.
1 week ago I almost commited suicide thanks to the pressure I'm under, I can't
even go to school, I've missed my first school day today! I like school, I really do, but it's the people.
Not bullies, not bad people, but I feel ashamed of myself, the way I look, how I can't
make a single friend! Before I came back to Portugal, I was in the UK for 2 years. Did year 11
and entry level in college. I resume my breaks to Library, no lunch, only library.
Talking to people? I couldn't even spell a single word because I didn't know what to say
and felt really ashamed. I hided in the library like a fly would fly away if you try to kill it,
you can't even see where it goes.
I don't trust no one, neiter have friends or any confidence at all in myself. I hate myself, and I hate my life.

I already looked into running away to a friends house, if I had one, but I still asked some people.
Their answer was that I was either dumb or they couldn't. I even said I'd get a part time job and give half of
the money to the house owners and the other half to save for a course in the future to fulfill my dreams...
Dreams that I don't even believe I'll achieve not even being the "king of the world", I wanted to be director,
direct movies and sometimes even write my own screenplays and script.


You are not alone in your feelings of despair. Activity is the key to fighting these feelings of dread. Do anything. Go for walks, clean your house, start writing your feelings down. You said you want to be a screen writer. Do it! I know it is hard to face these challenges but secluding yourself from the world only magnifies these terrible feelings.
