Iranian news agency says the U.S. is secretly run by Nazi space aliens. Really.

That's some interesting reading. Some of it I knew, some I didn't. I don't think anyone was really disputing corporate America. I think you'll find most here agree that the US gov't is bought and paid for.
That's some interesting reading. Some of it I knew, some I didn't. I don't think anyone was really disputing corporate America. I think you'll find most here agree that the US gov't is bought and paid for.

True, I haven't had much time to get to know which members stand where on various issues. Neither have I spent much time over the last several years debating and discussing the topics included in my post above. That's partly why I threw it out there. It was fun for me just seeing how much of this stuff I could remember and tie together into something that seems somewhat coherent to me.

The thing that got me started wasn't the issue of corporate dominance. It was the way the responses above seemed to me to be focusing on the messenger, the Iranian news agency, rather than the message. The message in that news article is the same as the message contained in my final paragraph: In the USA, the Patriot Act serves the same purpose as did the Enabling Act in Germany in the 1930's. The latter paved the way for the militarization of what was left of Germany's economy. The former provides the basis for speeding up the transformation of American society and culture for the last decade or so.

America has become a national socialist society. Along with all the pseudo-patriotism and "Support Our Troops" bumper stickers, America has become a truly socialist society where the economy is now geared to transfer the entire wealth of the nation into the hands of a very few individuals who control the large corporations.

The word NAZI is the German acronym for the National Socialist Worker's Party. The American bankers and industrialists involved in funding this party were working with sympathetic German industrialists and banker because their attempt to stage a fascist coup d'état in America failed, and the federal antitrust legislation prevented them from returning American business to the glory days of their Robber Baron fathers. They couldn't do it here, so they did it in Germany.

When I look at what's going on today, and the path our nation has taken to get us here, I view that history differently than most Americans. Over the last 25 years I've come across a growing number of individuals who have been increasingly willing to admit that fascism is a growing threat in this country. What most people don't understand, it seems to me, is that fascism hasn't come to America -- it's always been here. The ideas that twisted Nazi-ism into such a sick ideology were not of German origin. It was the American Nazi's who exported and funded the planks of the NAZI platform to Germany, where it developed and "matured" into what it became.

After WW-2 came to a close, the American Nazi's snuck the German NAZI's into America and established them in positions of influence and authority. From there, those NAZI's went on to corrupt and co-opt out government on behalf of their corporate overlords.
