John Titor's Religious Beliefs: Bible Prophecy, Revelation, Return of Christ, the Rapture, 2012


Like I said, it likely isn't any sect that exists today.
Can we agree on this?

Yes. It doesn't appear that he belonged to any particular sect. Plus, he mentions above that there are no major, centralized religions.
He also said that Muslims increased by 3% and Christians by like 60%.
Apparently there are.

I'm talking about the various types/sects of Christianty - Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, etc. People tend to lump those into one category. Titor was suggesting that these no longer exist.


Active Member
In this thread it is mentioned JT says worship is on a Saturday. Seventh Day Adventists believe the Sabbath is on Saturday. They have services on Saturdays I believe.


Senior Member
In this thread it is mentioned JT says worship is on a Saturday. Seventh Day Adventists believe the Sabbath is on Saturday. They have services on Saturdays I believe.
Pam said of the future if this isn't all BS, that a lot of people are religious, but more or less keep their religious beliefs to their own purviews. I feel that Pamela More was involved with the real John Titor, that had happened by chance to come in from another time line. So there was a real and a false John Titor.

Feel Pam was romantically involved with him, because of the terminator script, this was a way to tell John & Pam or Sara Conner & her lover were involved. There's a principal in time travel physics, to where this has to be told. I'm sure she was involved with him.
