Kozyrev Mirrors as possible technological devices


Active Member
I haven't seen a single entry on this forum yet on this information and feel that it's best to share this with the forum with what I've found so far on the internet searching akashic records and time travel.

Could something as simple as a mirror, seriously be all there is and enough to come send signals to points in time and travel through time?

Another source of more in-depth explanation can be viewed and seen here:

Kozyrev's Mirrors - Bending Time & Altering Consciousness - AETHERFORCE

Please let me know what you all think after giving it a good in-depth analysis.


Active Member

In all honesty: I find it funny how the media always gives such a big deal in relating people to Einstein as a genius when Einstein never took a constructed IQ test. At the same time, I find that there are other brilliant thinkers that have contributed well towards academia aside from him:

Kurt Godel, Hugh Everette III, Nicolai Tesla, Clark Hull, Chase Tolman, Edward Lee Thorndike, Edwin Guthrie, Jean Piaget, Albert Bandura, Gestaultists, Donald Hebb, Khaneman and Taversky, Luigi Galvani, Fechner, Isaac Newton, Emanuel Kant, GWF Hegel, Hillary Putnam, Soren Kierkegard, Wittgenstein, Focault, Lev Vygostsky, Ernst von Glassersfeld, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Franz Mesmer, etc.

Best part about academia? Alot of these thinkers fought and debated with each other many times over and still never were able to dispute each other's claims well. You'll even see this in the arts with the music scene where alot of the artists I follow outside of the mainstream who have strong academic backgrounds debate with each other over forms of art, music and politics, being the bigger issue. So even music has a big academic and political philosophy in terms of art and science within their field of academics and art.

This is just a handful of modern thinkers post pre-socratic, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Descartes, but you'll still have figures from the most obscure all around either way. We can list all contributing academics and thinkers and still find that so far, some people have answers and some don't. But most advanced technology and thought has been in the past rather than in the present.

But I feel that both journalism and academia tend to make the ridiculous claims in contributing towards history and the literature when it comes to the media and how they portray people like Einstein whose honestly no more brilliant than anyone else, but rather, saw patterns in things he experienced and practiced his skill in. Maybe it's probably my learning theories background that's speaking to me here if anything really.

Even neuroscience and psychology are still looking for their equivalents of Newton and Einstein (or so they claim), which I think is a ridiculous claim, as philosophers and mathematicians to this day are still trying to figure people out like Kant, Hegel and other thinkers thru out the ages. But you can't expect to find similarities between people who proposed ideas and contributed towards academia. Think of the other thinkers and people who put out something and ended up getting lost over time and never surfaced at all. It wouldn't be wise to make claims and comparisons to iconic people like Skinner who was known to be the biggest radical behaviorist everyone came to know and disdain, such as myself.

My neuroscience professor actually put up a pretty cool list of who he thinks are the best developers in the neurosciences and brings up some good points too:

NeuroDojo: Nominees for the Newton of neuroscience

This just goes to show you all the major contributors who all have made impacts greater than Einstein, but in all honesty, Newton was more genius in the sense of developing the Calculus language system, but also never developed a unified field theory of motion, such as that there's no unified learning theory out there, other than learning theories from other theorists.

But still, it's stuff like this as to why people enjoy the nature of science and philosophy in getting creative and imaginary with their work and wanting to create and do the impossible which has yet to be done over the centuries, which have also been done many times over as well.

But still... to compare people with Einstein as a genius, that's honestly very too farfetched and silly after a while in all honesty really...

And then you have other people's lists:

30 Most Influential Neuroscientists Alive Today

(almost like Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, Stereogum, Sputnikmusic, etc. or other music magazines listing top artists, records of the year and all time and you'll see the data statistics always keep changing outside of mainstream view and all that. So it almost always seem like its biased and opinionated either way.)

Imagine all the papers all these academics put out, only to fade into obscurity and never come to be known for the work they do to help create advancements and progression in the world all around us. Only to continue to be overshadowed by a figure who will eventually be forgotten about.

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Senior Member
I haven't seen a single entry on this forum yet on this information and feel that it's best to share this with the forum with what I've found so far on the internet searching akashic records and time travel.

Could something as simple as a mirror, seriously be all there is and enough to come send signals to points in time and travel through time?

Another source of more in-depth explanation can be viewed and seen here:

Kozyrev's Mirrors - Bending Time & Altering Consciousness - AETHERFORCE

Please let me know what you all think after giving it a good in-depth analysis.
Interesting topic :)
What i would kindly suggest is that you get hold of some of the aluminium sheets and make a few them, and give us your feedback on what happens :)
16 years ago i purchased 3 Purple Tesla Plates, which consisted of an anodised aluminium plate with a design on one side of it..Over the years i lent them out to several people and asked them to return them to me after 1 month of continuously wearing, and tell me if anything weird or strange had happened to them..They are supposed to have healing properties within them and to create positive thinking..
Unfortunately nobody discovered anything about them, but i still one of them to show you ::LOL:::D Sorry its a bit blurred :(

