Mammon: Connecting With the Chief Demon of Wealth

Mammon occupies a significant position within occultism, embodying the quintessential spirit of wealth, greed, and material ambition. Mammon is mentioned in ancient texts where he is considered a deity, whereas medieval and modern occult tradition portrays him as a demon.

This is not a refutation of the previous claims to divinity attributed to Mammon but rather an evolution in perspective. In the ancient, polytheistic and pagan times deities were perceived in a similar way as we, the magicians (and demonolators) of today perceive demons. Mainly as spiritual forces that are willing to help us if we are able to summon them and entice them to do our bidding.

The Origins and Evolution of Mammon​

In literature, Mammon’s roots can be traced back to the Christian Bible, where the term originally appears in the New Testament to denote wealth or material possessions that could rival divine devotion.

The most notable mention of Mammon is found in the Gospel of Matthew (6:24), where Jesus articulates the impossibility of serving two masters, God and mammon, simultaneously. This delineation set the stage for Mammon’s enduring image as an entity that tempts humans away from spiritual enlightenment and towards material greed.

This is certainly the case for those on a strict RHP (Right Hand Path), because the purpose of the RHP is to get rid of egotistic desires in order to become one with God. On the LHP (Left Hand Path) however, spiritual enlightenment is perceived differently, as it venerates individualism and one’s personal desires.

Although materialism can impede progress on the LHP, depending on the stage one is at, it would be for purely practical reasons. For example, worrying about accumulating wealth could derail a LHP practitioner from meditation, rituals, acquiring knowledge or taking necessary risks.

On the flip side, not having enough wealth and having to spend time worrying about making ends meet would arguably have an even more detrimental effect on one’s LHP practice. In that situation, summoning Mammon would be most beneficial. So, there are no moral qualms in LHP, only practical considerations which are highly dependent on the individual’s circumstances and goals.

In the Middle Ages, Mammon’s image underwent significant transformation within Christian theology. No longer just a concept, Mammon was increasingly depicted as a prince of Hell or a demon personifying greed, avarice, and the unrighteous accumulation of wealth. This period solidified Mammon’s position in the Christian demonology as a malevolent force, a depiction that would heavily influence its role in occult practices to this day.

The Question of Mammon’s Pre-Christian Worship​

While Mammon is commonly associated with the sin of greed within Christian theology, the question of whether Mammon was ever worshipped as a god by any culture is quite intriguing.

Historical evidence does not support the formal worship of Mammon as a deity in the same manner as ancient gods and goddesses of wealth and prosperity, such as Plutus in Greek mythology or Lakshmi in Hinduism. So most historians of religion consider mentions of Mammon worship as metaphors for excessive focus on wealth.

As an occult practitioner with access to archives and archeological collections of some very old and distinguished European families, I can confidently vouch for the opposite. The worship of Mammon was not metaphorical at all, it was very much ritualistic then as it is now, and some texts and objects revealing this have been preserved.

Mammon was highly esteemed and worshipped by the Phoenicians. It is also worth noting that Mammon is known as “Hell’s Treasurer” and “Hell’s Ambassador to England”. This isn’t an arbitrary claim, for it was in part due to Mammon-focused rituals that an isolated island state became the world’s greatest maritime power, following in the steps of the ancient Phoenicians who ruled the Meditteranean.

In both cases trade led to wealth, and wealth led to great political power and influence. What preceded their ascent was the work of magicians, not just the practical steps taken by men of action, which is the delusion of modern historians plagued by the entirely materialistic worldview.

Mammon in Occultism and Magick​

In occultism, Mammon transcends the biblical and medieval Christian demonizations to embody a complex symbol of wealth’s power.

Occult practices involve invoking and evoking Mammon through ceremonial rituals, as well as a creation of an altar upon which suitable offerings can be made and through which connection with the demon can be maintained or strengthened over a protracted period of time.

Mammon Rituals​

Mammon can be summoned through rituals to to harness his influence for financial success or protection against economic downfall.

These rituals can include specific symbols, incantations, and offerings, designed to attract Mammon’s favor. The complexity and nature of a ritual can vary widely, reflecting the practitioner’s intentions, experience and the availability of ritual items.

I perform very elaborate Mammon rituals for my clients. These rituals include a magic circle, triangle, sigil, a crystal grid, scrying mirror, athame, incantations, offerings of blood etc.

If you’re a beginner in ceremonial magic and wish to do this on your own, you probably don’t have as many rituals items and will need to use a more minimalistic setup. You can incorporate some of the following items and symbols to get started:

Crystals and Incense for Mammon Rituals​

  • Crystals: Pyrite, often referred to as “Fool’s Gold,” resonates with Mammon’s domain of wealth. Citrine, known for attracting abundance, and green aventurine, a stone of prosperity, are also potent allies in rituals dedicated to Mammon.
  • Incense: Frankincense, with its purifying and spiritual qualities, and myrrh, known for its protective properties, are recommended for Mammon rituals. These scents create an atmosphere conducive to spiritual and material manifestations.

Altar Setup​

An altar dedicated to Mammon should reflect the practitioner’s intentions for wealth and prosperity. Elements to consider include:

  • A representation of Mammon, whether through statuary, sigils, or symbolic imagery.
  • Candles in gold or green to symbolize wealth and growth.
  • Offerings that resonate with wealth, such as coins, golden objects, or luxurious items, demonstrating respect and homage to Mammon.
  • Offerings of blood. Deities and demons, of which Mammon is both, accept blood offerings, from a sacrificed animal. This is the most ancient form of offering, that can be found in as ancient texts as the Old Testament (Cain and Abel) and Homer’s Illyad.

What About Other Demons of Wealth?​

Mammon is my favorite wealth demon to work with. However, he’s certaintly not the only one. Some others worth mentioning are Bune, Clauneck, Lucifuge, Barbatos and Andromalius.

I’ve explained in a previous article the concept of demonic stacks, whereby the effects of one demon can be amplified by summoning others. They should possess similar attributes in order to align with eachother and bring about the desired result faster.

As a simple example, a businessman could summon Mammon to help grow his business and profits, but he could also summon Clauneck to speed up the process and Bune to help him with the organizational side more specifically, since Bune is concerned with hierarchies.

If the company is in the technical field, summoning Marbas could lead to great insights and ideas by the summoner or perhaps a close associate, which could lead to the creation of a very profitable product for the company. Andromalius could be summoned to prevent the theft of ideas or human resources from competitors or to infiltrate their own ranks.

To summarize, while Mammon is the overarching demon of wealth, others have more specific aptitudes that can be of great use to the magician when summoned alongside him.

Risks Associated With Summoning Mammon​

Mammon is a very benevolent spirit and I’ve experienced no negative effects from summoning him. And trust me, I’ve summoned him many, many times to improve the results of my various projects.

I realized his power was immense when my business started earning massive profits only a week or so after summoning him for the first time. It lead directly to my financial freedom, meaning that I haven’t had to work a regular job for… Hell, I don’t remember if I ever did.

That’s not to say that it always happens that fast, but it gave me the much needed assurance to continue exploring demons of wealth and evolving my ritual practice to communicate with them more effectively. Now I summon Mammon often for my clients, and ocassionally for myself when embarking on a new business venture.

There is only one risk. It’s the risk of becoming obsessed with money and success. That’s a psychological and spiritual danger of working with any demon – they pull you in their own direction, especially if it’s an invocation, whereby you internalize the demon’s powers and attributes. An evocation (summoning the demon externally) won’t have as much of an impact on your psyche.

This obsession can lead you to make morally dubious decisions to get what you want. That’s the spiritual danger for those on the RHP, because a demon is an amoral force, it doesn’t care about Good or Evil, it’s only purpose is to deliver results.

To summarize, Mammon is the demon that can help you achieve the wealth and success you desire. He also acts as a benevolent force towards those who are struggling in their present circumstances by manifesting the needed opportunities and resources.

The post Mammon: Connecting With the Chief Demon of Wealth appeared first on Occultist.

Source: Occultist | Mammon: Connecting With the Chief Demon of Wealth
