Creativity Maxwell Hammer


Senior Member
I heard that people here were discussing me. Any questions?

Welcome to Paranormalis! :)

1) Are you claiming to be a real Time Traveler, or is your story fiction?

If you are claiming to be a real TT...

2) What device did you use to Time Travel?
3) What is your mission here? Why did you come to 2011?
4) Do you know anything about John Titor? If so, please elaborate.
5) Will you post photos of your Time Machine or whatever device you used to TT?
6) Please give us some evidence that you are a real TT.
7) What happens in the future that you claim to be trying to save us from?
8) Please tell us some things about our future that we can watch for.
9) Was there a World Nuclear War? If so, what year/month?
10) How old are you?
11) Do you believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God?
12) What is the year that you originally TT'd from?




1. How is the leg doing? Any infection?
2. I forget -- did you destroy the chip?
3. Are you in love with Veronica?
4. What are you actively doing to return to your time?
5. Do you believe you can go back to your original time or only a copy?
6. What is the shape of the multiverse?


Hi Maxx I just have wanted to tell you sorry I should treat you and other time travelers in this forum with full respect your not a fake I have two questions to ask you at the moment:

1. How is our earth different from your own timeline?

2. What kind and type of time travel and time machines are from your timeline?

I went to your blog and saw your website in general and in private and said to myself there are other time travelers that show respect for other people in this forum and I am glad time travelers from our past and future are in this forum and tell the truth and I am also glad that people share with us all information and so much more well thanks for sharing your information and sorry for doubting you and others as well!
