Maybe We All Need to Sit Down for the National Anthem


🤖 Think outside the mind
Okay, so everyone is in an uproar about Colin Kaepernick’s apparent social protest movement that is sweeping the nation. He didn’t get up for the National Anthem, and then blamed it on his disdain for


Has anyone considered that Kaepernick just had his earbuds in?

America, a country that oppresses black people. Now, we have a theory that he probably just had his earbuds in and missed it and came up with this as a clever excuse for being disrespectful, but that’s beside the point right now. Now the ante has been upped, because the first big slate of NFL football games happens to coincide with the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks on New York City and Washington. Now, the Seattle Seahawks are threatening to stage a whole-team protest of their own on a day where a lot of people think the National Anthem is particularly poignant. There’s your update on the situation.
Now, kind of needless to say, how you feel about Kaepernick’s peaceful protest is divided quite distinctly down racial lines. That’s not saying that every white person out there is against it, but in general, that’s how it goes. We at Common Sense Conspiracy have been thinking about things, and we think that maybe all Americans should join the protest.
As we barrel toward a Presidential election with two of the most corrupt, morally-bankrupt individuals to ever be on the ballot, maybe white people and black people alike have a reason to turn their back on patriotism for a moment and ask what in the world is going on here? The mainstream media, a puppet for the United States’ shadow government, has been working overtime the last eight years to divide Americans in every way possible. Think about all the ways they divide people that in most cases, fundamentally get


Everyone is having an identity crisis right now.

along just fine until the government reminds us that we’re supposed to hate each other. Think about climate change, religion, political affiliations, and race. Think about the division between the poor and rich, and the polarization of the two as the middle class declines. Then, last of all, think about an election where everything is turned on its head. Conservatives have the most liberal candidate probably in their history, though they don’t seem to understand or realize it. Liberals are trying to elect a candidate that wreaks of Wall Street and big business, the very thing they rail against Republicans for. And everyone misses the point that it’s all really the same thing. To the powers-that-be, a Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Presidency is virtually identical. They couldn’t be less worried about it.
Yes, a lot of the respect that goes to the National Anthem revolves around the soldiers that have fought and lost their lives for this country. It’s true. But many veterans are actually siding with Kaepernick, saying that whether or not they agree with his message, they appreciate the right for him to express it. Others feel he is being intensely disrespectful to the military and just the nation in general. In any case, we at Common Sense Conspiracy don’t really think that everyone should turn their back on the National Anthem just yet, but the point of this article was that this is just another example of the media and government making sure we stay bitterly divided. Meanwhile, the other hand is busy, just there outside of our line of sight, and you don’t want to know what it is doing.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
