Mind Time Traveling


New Member
Mind time traveling, you probably never heard of that or it may not be a thing. Time travel is possible, but not physically. It's possible mentally, mind time traveling. As we know, time travel just don't exist but I think it will eventually exist. It may not be in our time period.

Going back in the past is easy. For an example, if you want to go back while you were a kid, its possible. You just have to set your mind back like a clock. I'm sure you have old pictures of your self from the past. Just sit down, put your past time period music on, close your eyes and go back to the past! Open your eyes with the music still going and look through your old pictures. I've done that before, it didn't feel like I was in present time. Better yet, put on your best memorable music from your past. You may feel sad or happy becuase those are your memories.

Another example is go to the same place of where an event took place. Like, where your most memorable event that happened. Try to think about what you did, you said, people you talked to or whatever you did at your most memorable event(s) that took place. The fact is that you can re-create the past or think of it mentally. If you like the past, just buy old antiques from that time period and live it like you where still in it.

What about going into the future? Well, as we know the future hasn't been written yet. But you can write it now. Have you ever thought of things you needed to do in the future? and you did them....and then at that point you did something that you said you'll do from the past. Thinking of things in the future is like going ahead of time. Everyday, we think of things before we do them, we plan ahead of the time...that is like going into the future.

I hope you understand my concept on mind time traveling. Its not exactly like the time travel as we think of it, being in a machine taking us back in the past or into the future.

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New Member
Also, I think it would be cool if there was a time travel exhibit. Have booths set up that have time period things in them for you to look at and experience. Of course the things that are going to be in future aren't here yet but we can only imagine and predict how the future will be.

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Time Travel Professor
Mind time traveling, is very sample to do, I have been doing it for over 60 years.
A very good post on the subject.
