Mount Weather... What do you know?


Active Member
How much do any of you know of Mount Weather? Reportedly, it is the secret underground command bunker for FEMA. And when I say command bunker, I really mean city. If you start reading into Presidential Executive Orders or PEO's, you'll find that the US government has set up extensive guidelines for FEMA to take over a lot of the government in case of emergency.

This is NOT speculation. I have spent my own personal time rummaging through PEO's on the .gov website. I actually found out about it, because I became interested in PEO's after first hearing about them from a colleague. After about 10 minutes of reading some really boring shit. I came across one that peaked my interest. It read that in the even of an emergency, the US military was to sieze control over the Cleveland Nuclear Power Plant. Now I don't know much about Cleveland, but I didn't realize they had a nuclear power plant. After this i was hooked. So I started reading more and more and more.. At the time I was in the military.. I'll just say that.. Nothing super secretive or covert.. I was a comms guy. But funny thing about comms guys is that we have a way of appearing stupid to some people so they don't hesitate to say things around us thinking we won't understand or something like that. Anyways.. I'm reading about all this FEMA takes over this.. or FEMA takes over that.. ALL the old WW2 concentration camps in the US that we used to house the Japanese Americans.. yeah.. FEMA takes them over too. So I'm telling this colleague that turned me onto the PEO's about all this.. and he says.. oh yeah.. look up Mt. Weather. Well this wasn't exactly the burgeoning age of the internet so information was sparce on it.. but then came a call from a friend.. said he was in XXXX as a civilian putting in power lines out in the woods. but they ran into a fence line and seen a bunch of military guys. Eventually they gained access to this place because the power lines they were installing and/or replacing went into this compound. Just a bunch of mounds of dirt from what he told me.. with big doors on the sides of them.

One thing that was always cool about the military and working in comms is that you get to know a lot of people in a lot of different jobs. although i don't have direct knowledge of things like Area 51 or subjects like that.. I will say this. Even if I did, I wouldn't say so. Certain things I believe our government has a right to hide. Because just look at today.. A soldier goes out and kills 10 people in war. within hours there is a video online portraying him as an animal. You cannot win with the media. Even if our government had the cure for cancer locked up in some lab. .. I'm sure theres a reason for them not releasing it now. Even if it maybe financial. I'm a Patriot to the end, I will willingly die for my country and that flag that represents her without question... BUT.. in saying that, there are certain things I do not agree with that I don't mind saying. FEMA taking over government operations in the event of an emergency is one of them. Our forefathers set forth upon this land a new nation, government, and way to run this godforesaken world. They setup chain of command in the event of disasters.. there is no need for FEMA to run anything. And no don't worry.. I'm not not not a disinformation agent. :p


Senior Member
How much do any of you know of Mount Weather? I never heard about it before. The more I think I know, the more I find out I don't know. With all of the Executive Orders in place we all can loose everything we have and be locked up in one of the FEMA Recreational Centers. It is nice to have this assurance. I looked into the subject of Mount Weather and thought I would add this vid.

Mount Weather Investigation - YouTube

May 11, 2007 ... Jamey Singleton from WSLS looks into the secrets surrounding Mount Weather, located in Northern Virginia, west of D.C..
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Active Member
And just think.. for everything that has been made public, there are 100 times that out there that we don't know.
