My children and their ghosts..


Active Member
Cute story.. We had been living in base housing in Nebraska for a few months. And we bought the kids a bunk bed that had a sliding board on it. Thought it would give them something to play on during winter times. And it was a wonderful well spent 100 dollars. Well, we had some small experiences in the house, but nothing that really made us feel the place was haunted. Just coincidences or cases of something forgotten.. Wake up and doors to the house would be wide open, but money openly on the counters and not stolen. Things like that. One day.. actually for about a week, the kids refused to go into the dining room. We actually had to move the table and chairs into the living room because they kicked and screamed bloody murder and would not go in there. I mean I'm talking hands outstretched and legs stretched out to the edges of the doorway and holding back from being pushed in... But we had both had experiences with ghosts before, but just chalked this one up to some weird kid thing.

Well after we bought the slide bed.. I had a friend over one day and the kids were upstairs playing on the bed. And I'm downstairs talking to my friend. Then all the jumping and laughing just stopped. But no screaming. So being the cautious parent I am.. I know that when kids are quiet, they are up to something.. So up I go. And when i open their door, they are just sitting on the edge of the bed, not talking, just staring towards me. I said.. hey.. what are you two doing? and they just pointed at the door where i was standing.. I said, tell me what you are doing. Why are you being so quiet. And my oldest looks at me and says. we're just talking. I said talking to who? and she says.. The man. I say.. what man? and she says that man there by you at the door daddy.. I ran out, slammed the door behind me and screamed in at them to stay in their room and keep playing nice.. LOL.. ran down the stairs like a little girl and told my friend.. He's just looking shocked at me like.. umm .. aren't you scared that maybe there is a ghost there and it'll hurt them or soemthing? I said..nope.. if he's keeping them quiet and isn't bothering me.. I'm good. LOL.
