Nuclear Desert Storm 1991.


Active Member
Many soldiers from Desert Storm have been dealing with various issues ever since the war ended. The military had given ground forces nerve agent preventive medical injections with no clue of the consequences prior to deploying. A short time after Desert Storm soldiers were having various undiagnosable symptoms. In 2007 I was in a veteran medical facility faced with recurring issues that started in 1993 which got me medically discharged from the military. At the facility an older gentleman sat across from me and told me he was in the CIA. I chuckled and told him the Scuds that were fired at us were all nuclear. He said yes they were. He left the table we were sitting at. I did not see him again. When I came across Paranormalis several years later and saw the Alternate Timeline category it kept reminding me of that conversation.
Is there anything on the site that suggests an alternate timeline with a nuclear war in the Middle East?
I was wondering Perhaps if time travel is possible in the future then steps were taken to use nuclear warheads on the Scuds in an alternate timeline. Scuds were the Surface to Surface Missiles used by Iraq.
I may have asked before. It’s been awhile.


Active Member
The shells the A10 Warthog fires are nuclear... well, mildly dirty nuclear depleated uranium. While depleated uranium (DU) outside the skin isn't very dangerous, it can be extremely dangerous long term if it gets inside the body. When a DU shell hits an armored vehicle, there's so much energy that some of it vaporizes. If a person is anywhere near this, it can be inhaled into the lungs and eventually get into the blood stream. Some have theorized that this is where Gulf War Syndrome comes from. While lead in regular bullets can also get into the body this way, at least it isn't radioactive and can be chelated out... eventually...
