Obama is part of the puppet illuminati and he is killing America.


Junior Member
Why do you suppose Obama has lasted this long in power? Is he the anti-Christ? Is he a shape shifting illegal alien? Why does he submit a doctored birth certificate proven to be fake? Why does he sign Executive orders preparing to take your guns, your homes, your businesses and your family away? Why does he sell us "wolf tickets" and the same song and dance? Why do we let him? Why has he spent more tax payers money than all the past presidents combined and leave us with 6 trillion dollars in debt? Answers are needed here. Peace to all.
Well it is no secret im not a fan of the current president. He has single-handed ruined the us. Im suprised he is still among the living. I pray he is not re-elected but if he is i doubt he makes it through his term In the meantime god help us. Because never have i in all my years seen americans struggle as much as they are right now. People are jobless losing homes not able to sell businesses are going under. Things are not improving it does not seem. I agree with the fact the current president is not an american. And why does he feel the need to befriend our enemies that want to see us dead. I hope and pray he is not re-elected if he is there will definitely be assasination attempts made. In the meantime we need to all pray for our country. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess


Junior Member
This shape-shifting reptilian time traveler has been under the plan of the Illuminati and he is disarming America. He has placed us all (real U.S. citizens) in debt that will take a century to repair. I agree that he must be taken out of office and he just might but I see his plan and the Illuminati plan that will spark a war, put in place marshal law and there will be no election during this time of war. You see everything is right there in front of us all to actually understand. Pray for this country, pray for peace and trust in one God. Peace to you all.

Im not so sure about him being a shape-shifter or reptilian but he has messed thing up for america that is for sure. Love and light Vamp1r3Goddess


This shape-shifting reptilian time traveler has been under the plan of the Illuminati and he is disarming America. He has placed us all (real U.S. citizens) in debt that will take a century to repair. I agree that he must be taken out of office and he just might but I see his plan and the Illuminati plan that will spark a war, put in place marshal law and there will be no election during this time of war. You see everything is right there in front of us all to actually understand. Pray for this country, pray for peace and trust in one God. Peace to you all.

Although I do not agree with the "shape-shifting reptilian time traveler" part, I do agree with most of the rest. Obama is working to destroy the country. A plan for Marshal law is in place; 450,000 rounds of 40 cal hollow points for HS; endless spending that we can never repay; stirring up racial violence; the IRS can now take your weapons etc. Obama is going to declare war on Iran (with or without approval) before the elections. A declaration of Marshal law during wartime will stop the elections. Then we will end up having a tyrant running the country.

Remember Obama talking to the Soviets? He said he will have more freedom after this, his last, election. Know why it will be his last? It's because there will be no more elections or a democratic republic. We really need to begin impeachment hearings ASAP.
If he is not assasinated first. If he is allowed back in office it will be to take him out completely Marshal law or not. They already have attempted and will try again. But i dont think they will fail next time. The closer we get to election time the more he has to worry about. I do no this about our country we will not sit back and allow this country to become a democracy.
