2023: The Year of Earth & Fire


The dawn of a new year can turn a pessimist into an optimist, for it is in our nature to be fond of fresh beginnings. We hope that Providence will work in our favor as we set out to dream and plan future victories, pleasures and amusements. Now is the time to shed our skin and be born anew! So we tell ourselves and drift off to sleep.

Upon waking to the drudgery of the everyday the enthusiasm vanishes like a dream. The ordinary person is soon found wanting in determination and willpower and succumbs to the limits of his/her reality. Here is where my message breaks all ties with reality as you know it. For we don’t share the same reality. If we did, when pressed by difficulties we’d stumble and fall as equals and there’d be no foundation for the marked inequality of outcomes which is apparent and undeniable.

To prevent myself from getting too philosophical I will offer two examples: One man gets many women, the other one doesn’t get any. But in a crowd of people walking down the street it would be hard to distinguish one from the other. One person is blessed by great wealth while the other struggles to survive. But they received the same education, and walk the same old streets every day. We could make an endless list of such incomprehensible inequalities. If they were only separating nations and continents we could at least attribute them to geography and be done with it. But these extremes are happening between individuals of similar traits and opportunities. So is it blind luck that allows some people to make it and enjoy their lives to the fullest while others are left behind? Or is it the mysterious “psychological wiring” that we’ve inherited or developed through our youth?

I’d like my readers to know that there is a way to be on the winning side of life even if so called “luck” hasn’t treated you kindly in the past or if you don’t have the winner’s mentality of a Navy SEAL. Newsflash: 99.999% of successful people aren’t anywhere near Navy SEAL levels of grit and determination. It doesn’t matter, because that was never the source of their success to begin with. They’ve simply been favored by the spirits. The laymen of the past would lump both fortune and misfortune under the auspices of goddess Fortuna. The magicians however couldn’t stand the goddesses’ fickle nature. So they caught her, decapitated her and opened her corpse to find the secret of her power. Therein they found a legion of demons running amok.

The modern scientists discovered bacteria, the ancient magicians discovered demons. The latter remains a greater accomplishment. Through trial and error, magicians discovered the means of communication, even of forced manipulation of these spirits, so that they’d do their bidding. And this knowledge has been passed from generation to generation ever since. We find it in all great cultures and civilizations, typically practiced by the most educated men and women. In this world of ruins what remains are only glimpses of this knowledge via the fragmented grimoires that we’ve salvaged. Yet some of us have gone further than others. By treating the fragments as a stepping stone, respectfully instead of slavishly, we’re able to make breakthrough despite of the severed initiatory link.

As for those moderners who’d deny the magical arts despite of countless testimonies to the contrary I have only this much to say: It is only for the preservation of their sanity that they’ve gauged out their spiritual eye. They are happier when they can’t see much further than their noses. The ability to see the underlying current with all its actors would drive them off a cliff. Yet we live with this vision cheerfully because it gives us the ultimate advantage in an age of close-minded academicians and bureaucrats.

In saying this, it is merely my intention to make you aware that if you make this undercurrent work in your favor you can turn almost anything in your life for the better. This is as good a time as any, and symbolically it is the best of times. Through divinatory rituals with Astaroth I’ve identified that this year will be dominated by the elements of Earth and Fire. More precisely, Earth will be dominated by Fire while the other elements will fall by the wayside. Therefore, this is the most opportune time to influence the material, financial, physical and sexual areas of your life through ritual means.

To begin, think about what you lack and desire. Once you’ve made up your mind, don’t wait for anyone’s permission to execute your plan. I’ve shared many rituals on this website to get you started. If you can, try to connect with the right demon through those instructions. I’ve made these rituals as simple as possible so that even beginners can start their journey without complications. However be aware that it will possibly take more than one try until you get the hang of things. Not all of us are equally skilled or gifted, and this is true of ceremonial magic as it is of any other art. If you can drudge through the initial attempts you will come out of the ordeal a better magician. Practice makes perfect. This will allow you to evoke/invoke demons more successfully in the future.

My final piece of advice to anyone reading this is to assume the role of the Creator in your life. Take action not only in the mundane but also in the spiritual world, for the latter has a greater say on the level of your success.

Wishing you all the best, and to those will work with me this year, I look forward to your ritual request and initial message!

– Astennu

The post 2023: The Year of Earth & Fire appeared first on Occultist.

Source: Occultist | 2023: The Year of Earth & Fire
