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Chip Lewis


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Default The Dollar Crash of '07
The Dollar Crash of '07 by Mike Whitney
Originally Posted by Chalmers Johnson
“Whatever future developments may prove to be, my best guess is that the US will continue to maintain a façade of Constitutional government and drift along until financial bankruptcy overtakes it.” Chalmers Johnson, “Empire V. Democracy: Why Nemesis is at our Door”
Originally Posted by Mike Whitney
Every time a US Dollar is traded, a check is issued on an account that is overdrawn by $8.6 trillion. (That is the present size of the national debt) It is, without question, the biggest swindle in history. Flimsy sheets of faded-green scrip are eagerly exchanged for costly goods and services without any regard for the real value of the currency.

And, the real value of the currency is absolutely nothing!

How is it that this scam persists when people appear to be aware of the massive debt and deficits which underwrite the dollar? Do they still believe in that puerile fairy tale about “the full faith and credit” of the United States backing up every greenback? Or are they pacified by the wizened graybeards, like Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson, who soothingly bray about the “strong dollar policy”?

What gibberish.

In truth, the dollar rests on the crumbling foundation of consumerism and oil. The American consumer’s gluttonous appetite for spending has kept the greenback flying high for decades. Economists marvel at America’s lust for electronic gadgetry, the latest fashions, and useless knick-knacks. They call our profligate spending “the engine for global growth”; and indeed it is. No other country in the world is nearly as addicted to binge-spending as the US consumer. As long as he can beg, borrow or steal his way into the shopping mall; the orgy of spending is bound to continue. (Consumer spending is 70% of GDP)

Regrettably, there are signs that the US consumer is beginning to buckle from the weight of personal debt. The Associated Press reported just this week that “people are saving at the slowest rate since the Great Depression… and the Commerce Dept stated that the nation’s personal savings rate for 2006 was a negative 1%, the worst showing in 73 years.”

Additionally, credit card debt has skyrocketed, which is an indication that homeowners are no longer able to siphon easy-money from their home-equity. The nose-diving real estate market has slowed refinancing to a dribble; cutting off the additional $825 billion of cash which was extracted from home-equity just last year.

Clearly, the well is running dry; the housing bubble is hang-gliding into the abyss and there’s nothing Fed-master Bernanke can do to save it from its inevitable crash-landing.

The central banks around the world are now watching for any sign that the American consumer is about to give up the ghost. As soon as that happens, bank managers everywhere will swing into action, ditch their U.S.Dollars and head for the exits. When the “global engine” sputters to a halt; it’ll be curtains for the greenback.

The Oil-extortion Racket

The dollar’s link to oil has helped to keep it afloat but, in truth, it’s just another dismal rip-off. More than 70% of the world’s oil is denominated in USD; a virtual monopoly for the USA. Until last year, even Russia was using dollars in its oil transactions with Germany. Imagine a comparable deal, like the US purchasing oil from Canada in rubles?!?

It’s lunacy; and yet this is the system the US hopes to preserve so it can maintain its unique status as the world’s “reserve currency” and keep expanding its debt into perpetuity. It explains why the Federal Reserve has been able to increase the money supply by a whopping 15% for the last 6 years! Trillions of dollars are now circulating in the oil trade keeping the value of the dollar high by creating artificial demand.

The other reason the dollar hasn’t succumbed to hyperinflation is because the current account deficit is running at roughly $800 billion per year. The Asian giants (China and Japan) and the oil exporting countries are mopping up more than $700 billion of our red ink every year!

The dollar’s link to oil forces central banks to maintain humongous stockpiles of USD to pay the steadily rising price of oil that keeps their industries and vehicles running. Otherwise they would have chucked the flaccid greenback years ago and converted to the more steadfast euro.

The so-called ‘global economic system’ has nothing to do with competition, free markets or private enterprise; that’s just public relations gobbledygook. In practice, it is the world’s biggest extortion racket, wherein, the “Godfather”-- Uncle Sam-- holds a gun to the heads of his subjects and forces them to use our fiat-paper to purchase the oil that lubricates their economies.

Why would anyone accept a personal check from a nation that owes the bank more than $8.6 trillion dollars?

Why, indeed?

It’s blackmail, pure and simple; and yet, the Chinese, Japanese etc. continue to play along knowing full-well that we neither have the inclination nor the resources to pay them back in kind?

It’s madness.

Every so often, a rebel nation will try to break the shackle of greenback-tyranny and operate outside the US-run system?

For example, Saddam Hussein switched to euros 6 months before he was carpet-bombed in Shock and Awe. His defiance only hastened his ultimate downfall.

Now Iran and Venezuela are threatening to convert to euros. Is it any surprise that they are both on Bush’s axis-of-evil hit list?

Russia has already made the conversion to euros and rubles (and has considerably depleted his supplies of USD) but, of course, regime change is more difficult when a state has nuclear weapons. Instead, the mainstream media is conducting an impressive “Swift Boat” campaign against Putin, smearing him as a “Russian autocrat” who is “rolling back democracy”. At the same time, the Bush administration is threatening to deploy missile systems in Eastern Europe and ratcheting up the pressure in the former Soviet republics.

Bush would rather restart the Cold War than abandon the supremacy of the greenback.

But, why? Is Dollar-primacy really that crucial to our economy?

The greenback is the baling wire that keeps the global economy in the hands of the doddering old misers at the Federal Reserve. It’s the cornerstone of the whole wretched system; a system which now includes torture, extraordinary rendition, and myriad other war crimes.

The young Muslim men who are abducted off the streets of Europe and Asia and taken to CIA Black Sites where they are waterboarded or stacked in naked pyramids; are tortured in defense of the crumpled piece of green paper we carry in our pants pockets.

Think I’m kidding?

Just look at Bush’s budget for 2007-2008; $700 billion for foreign wars?!? There’s no way the US can pay off that debt through the normal means of increasing exports. In fact, Bush has already said that he plans to preserve his unfunded tax cuts whether they produce massive deficits or not.

What Bush plans to do is force the foreign central banks to hold more dollar-based assets, thus, thrusting our gigantic debt onto our trading partners. According to Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster, “US debt was up 10.1% to $4.085 trillion and accounts for 58.8% OF ALL THE CREDIT ISSUED GLOBALLY LAST YEAR. The US is producing more debt than the rest of the world combined.

As long as foreign lenders are willing to take our paper, Bush will keep expanding our debt. As Chalmers Johnson opined, “We are dependent on ‘the kindness of strangers’”. (The Blanche Dubois economy)

Of course, if the central banks grow tired of this pyramid-scheme and dump the dollar; the world can get on with the business of addressing global warming, poverty, AIDs, Peak Oil, nuclear proliferation etc. That won’t happen as long as the dollar reigns supreme and a small cadre of unelected racketeers at the Fed continue Gerry-rig the system.

Economic justice and equitable distribution of wealth begin with greater parity among the currencies. That requires “regime change” for the greenback and a loosening of its tyrannical grip on the system.

Sleepwalking in the Weimar U.S.A.

The good news is that the Bush administration is pushing the dollar towards extinction anyway. Another few years of $800 billion trade deficits, lavish unfunded tax cuts for the mega-rich, and a Pentagon budget of $700 billion-plus; and the old greenback will be going the way of the Dodo. Jim Willie of summarized it this way:

“Never in the history of central bankers has the hidden coordination, influenced pressure, gargantuan money creation, doctored statistics, and interference with financial markets been so broad, so deep, and so profound. My allegation is clear, that we now live in Weimar times, as has been warned for two years worth of scribbles. Collectively, they have abused the privilege of printing money, and in doing so, have guaranteed a gold bull market. … The more heavily the counterfeit press dispenses electronic dollars, devoted to operations, to credit, to consumer spending, to military adventures, to good old fashioned fraud, the gold bull benefits from ample new oxygen and blood flow”.

Willie is right; the system is rotten to the core. Once the dollar crashes, other currencies rush in to fill the void generating greater competition between the energy and manufacturing giants. A new paradigm will emerge distributing power more equitably among the states. It’s a way to resuscitate a system that is currently held together through force of arms.

Besides, how long will China and Japan continue to abet Washington’s war-mongering adventurism? My guess is that the daggers have already been sharpened in Beijing, Caracas, Delhi and Moscow. Everyone is just waiting for Bush to cross that invisible line in the sand before they fling their greenbacks into the jet-stream and wait for Goliath to tumble.

That “invisible line in the sand” is Iran.

The world is at a crossroads and everyone who can fog a mirror knows it. The superpower model of global governance has failed miserably. We need more responsible stewardship of the planet and its resources.

How can we build our economies when a handful of western plutocrats control the spigot for quickly dwindling oil reserves? How can we attack climate change when those same blinkered reprobates employ pseudo-scientists to dispute global warming? How can we address nuclear proliferation when neocon militarists believe in “useable” low-yield, bunker-busting warheads?

The model is hopelessly shattered. We’d be better off boarding-up the White House and the Federal Reserve and starting from Square One.

The world needs a break from Washington’s wasteful spending and unprovoked wars. At the same time, foreign creditors are increasingly reluctant to keep financing America’s extravagant consumption. And, no one is hoodwinked by Bush’s “war on terror” scam; a conflict that was clearly concocted to assert control over the world’s remaining resources.

The world is realigning according to mutual interests and a shared vision of the future. The rise of energy alliances in Latin America and Asia (particularly the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which now controls most new oil deposits and output) signals the waning of western influence and the ascendancy of a new energy paradigm. Power is progressively shifting away from Washington.

That’s bad news for the greenback which depends on its linkage to oil to sustain its enormous debt.

The dollar now faces challenges from all directions. Western elites have savaged the country’s economic base by hollowing out our manufacturing base in order to destroy the American labor movement.

Free trade has transformed the US into the biggest creditor nation in history. The country exports nothing but bombs and misery.

Also, as Congressman Ron Paul notes, “Most knowledgeable people assume that inflation of the money supply is not only going to continue, but accelerate. This anticipation, plus the fact that many new dollars have been created over the past 15 years that have not been fully discounted, guarantees the further depreciation of the dollar.”

Eventually, the markets will catch on, foreign lenders will stop buying our Treasuries, and the dollar will fall through the floor.

The laws of gravity apply to economics as well as science.

Red flags are going up everywhere. China’s central bank issued a warning in December about the risks of the weakening dollar:

“If external capital stops flowing into the US, a significant drop in the dollar may occur with consumption and investment shrinking, interest rates rising, and financial markets experiencing turbulence, endangering global financial and economic stability. There could be adjustments to how European private capital, Asian foreign exchange reserves and oil export proceeds are invested.”

Yes, of course, a complete economic meltdown with capital fleeing the United States to foreign countries and the American economy collapsing in a heap.

The Chinese central bank statement adds:

“If the US current account deficit continues to grow faster than GDP, then the investment value of US assets may be subject to doubts and challenges and the willingness of investors to continue holding and buying US financial products may weaken. This could cause changes in capital flows, the exchange rates of major currencies, and the value of foreign exchange assets.”

The Chinese bank is giving the Bush Team a chapter out of Econ. 101: “If you keep spending more than you are taking in; the stock market will fall, the dollar will plummet, and the US economy will tank”.

What could be clearer than that?

The administration, however, chooses to ignore the basic laws of economics and pursue a madcap plan to wage aggressive war across the planet and pilfer the world’s oil reserves.

So far, the results have been less than reassuring.

The Decline of U.S. Sovereignty; blame it on the Fed

The United States set off on the road to perdition when it transferred the power to create money to the privately-owned Federal Reserve. It’s been downhill ever since.

The man who can set interest rates and create money is more powerful than the man who can move armies and change laws. By conferring that authority on the Federal Reserve we have assured that the policies that govern our economy are decided by unelected members of the ruling elite whose choices will naturally reflect the interests of their class.

The wealth gap that has opened up like a yawning chasm between rich and poor in America originated with the class-based policies of the Fed. The massive equity bubbles which arose from artificially low interest rates and the deliberate destruction of the dollar by reckless increases in the money supply have shifted trillions of dollars from working class Americans to the predatory aristocrats at the top of the economic food chain. The gulf between rich and poor has grown so wide that it now poses a direct threat to our increasingly fragile democracy. That’s why Thomas Jefferson said:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing of power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Free people cannot control their own destiny unless they control their own currency. The Federal Reserve must be abolished.

IMHO: All of this is the lead up to the North American Union and the "forgiveness of all debt" proposition. This will mark the end of the "beginning of the end"...
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Great work Chip, I've been following the dollar crash since 2003 and it has been a wild ride. I've been buying up physical silver in order to benefit from the collapse, it's been one of the best decisions I've made so far.

Back when Silver was in the $4.50 - $6 range I loaded the boat.. maxing all my credit cards out and dumping all my cash for some fine Silver bars. It paid off quite well as Silver and Gold have been on a long-term uptrend, silver trading as high as $15 at one point.

Silver is still at a good point to purchase, with a medium-term target at $22 and a long-term target around $110. Seems off-the-wall, I know, but if you adjust the old high for inflation (even using the unrealistic inflation figures often utilized by economists), then you get a major move in the works.

Back in the 60's Palladium showed traders what was possible when it vaulted from around $14 to $1100.

Anyhow, I think its great that you are helping to educate the community on this matter. I will post whatever pertinent articles I come across as well. I hope that the word gets out to the true patriots and they protect themselves from the financial meltdown that is looming.

If anyone's interested in some day-to-day economic analysis, I regularly post economic articles at, usually they are precious metal or dollar related, since that is where most of the pivotal events are going to occur imo, as the Fed pumps liquidity into the system in order to make the equity markets appear as if they aren't falling.

Thats the funny thing about the DJIA. The index has gone no-where while the dollar collapses, but the average investor doesn't take that into account. In reality the DJIA, in inflation adjusted dollars, is in the 6000 range. What a meltdown!
w w w . m y s t r a n g e m i n d . c o m
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by Wapo
Mortgage Report Rattles Markets

Dow Down 2% On a Big Rise In Delinquencies

By David Cho and Dina ElBoghdady
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 14, 2007; Page A01
A national survey showing that a soaring number of homeowners failed to make their mortgage payments in the last quarter of 2006 rattled lawmakers in Washington and the markets in New York yesterday, as the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted 2 percent, or nearly 243 points.
The report, which sent every major stock market indicator tumbling when it was released at noon, revealed that the problems in the market for "subprime" mortgages -- loans made to home buyers with blemished credit histories -- might be spilling over to the broader mortgage industry, analysts said.

While the number of risky borrowers who missed payments climbed to a four-year high, the number of foreclosures on all homes jumped to its highest level in nearly four decades, according to the survey by the Mortgage Bankers Association. Home buyers who relied on loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration also had record default rates.

Several lawmakers, including House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), said they would offer legislation to rein in risky mortgages. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) told reporters that Congress will have to consider providing several billion dollars of aid to at-risk homeowners.

The survey was released as the market for high-risk mortgages is collapsing. Over the past few years, highflying lenders of these loans helped millions of Americans buy homes they otherwise could not afford. The firms have seen their businesses unravel as these homeowners could not make their monthly payments. Some companies have been delisted from stock exchanges in recent weeks, while more than two dozen have shut their doors.

The consequences of the subprime mortgage meltdown now are extending beyond those lenders. Washington Mutual, the nation's largest savings and loan, told analysts that its loans to risky home buyers were performing "exceedingly poorly" and would be a drag on its earnings. H&R Block said it will delay reporting its third-quarter results because woes in the mortgage market forced the firm to recalculate its earnings, resulting in a $29 million loss that wasn't included in its previous filings.
Shares of Washington Mutual fell 5 percent, to $39.79, its lowest in 16 months. H&R Block fell 4 percent during the day and another 5 percent to $19.05 after its announcement.

"It's pretty clear that the fear is the increase in delinquencies in the subprime market will work its way through the entire financial systems," said Alan Kral, managing director of Trevor Stewart Burton & Jacobsen.
Traders said the impact of the delinquency survey was immediate. After the numbers were released, the Dow shed 70 points in half an hour. The survey measured the last three months of 2006, and some on Wall Street are worried the beginning of this year will be worse.

"People are concerned that the subprime problems are going to infect all of housing and the rest of the economy," said Donald H. Straszheim, an economist at Roth Capital Partners.

Federal and state investigators are looking at what has been going on in the mortgage industry. New Century, one of the largest subprime mortgage lenders, said yesterday it had received a federal grand jury subpoena for its trading and accounting practices. New Century, which stopped making loans last week, was delisted by the New York Stock Exchange yesterday.

Massachusetts' top securities regulator, Secretary of State William Galvin, said yesterday that he issued subpoenas to two Wall Street investment banks, UBS Securities and Bear Stearns, as part of a probe into whether the firms' researchers ignored the mounting problems among subprime lenders.

On top of these investigations, other prominent subprime lenders shed more light on their financial woes yesterday. Shares of Accredited Home Lenders Holding, another large subprime lender, lost 65 percent of their value after the San Diego firm said that it had not met the financial terms of its creditors, which are now demanding money that Accredited does not have. This is the same situation that New Century is facing.

Locally, Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group is considering selling its First NLC subprime mortgage loan business after cutting costs and tightening loan policies. The Arlington company said in a statement that it "will explore strategic alternatives to maximize the value" of the division.
Selling loans to people with questionable credit was a popular trend over the past few years. Lenders could repackage these mortgages as bonds and sell them on the market for high returns. These lenders believed homeowners simply could sell or refinance their homes if they had trouble making payments.

But when the market cooled, and home prices leveled off, millions of those borrowers could not afford to refinance or sell their homes, wreaking havoc on the once-thriving subprime market.

Especially onerous were the adjustable-rate mortgages, which offered low teaser rates that spiked in later years.

Those types of mortgages grew in popularity in spring 2004, when interest rates hit a low, said Barry Glassman, senior vice president of financial planning firm Cassaday & Co. But now that these mortgages are starting to adjust, some borrowers face interest payments that are at more than double the original rate.

Yesterday's Mortgage Bankers Association report, which surveyed 43.5 million loans, shows how this phenomenon played out in the last three months of 2006.

According to the report, 4.95 percent of all home mortgages were delinquent, meaning they were at least 30 days late. The most dramatic rise was among subprime borrowers. The survey also showed that lenders initiated foreclosures against 0.54 percent of borrowers -- or about one in every 200 -- the highest in the 37-year history of the survey.
While most of the turmoil has been driven by the subprime market, even credit-worthy borrowers appear to be facing some of the same issues. Their delinquency and foreclosure rates also inched upwards. The rate of foreclosures that started during the fourth quarter more than doubled since the start of 2006 for credit-worthy borrowers.

"There's some indication here, and it's not apocalyptic by any means, that the problems might not be contained in the subprime market," said Nicolas Retsinas, director of the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University.

Staff writer Tomoeh Murakami Tse contributed to this report.
Never agree to an Ajustable Rate Mortgage!! A decision to "qualify" and sign an agreement for one of these loans without thinking it through (thoroughly) could lead you straight to bankruptcy!!! Be careful!
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
I think perhaps you are forgetting what truly backs our economy. It isn't gold, nor is it oil. It is force. The empires of old kept afloat by taking control of trade rotues, both land and sea. As airborne trade routes became prevalent and the global economy emerged, the old imperial model was invalidated. A new strategy was needed, and we saw it first emerge in the cold war.

Frank Herbert said that "Absolute power is the power to destroy." He was referring to the melange spice of Arrakis, a substance upon which travel and progress was dependent in the fictional empire of Dune. In that scenario, the spice could just as easily represent real world oil pipelines.

I've admittedly done little research into the solid numbers here. Does anyone know offhand exactly what percentage of the world's circulated oil flows through pipelines that our within the range of our military influence? My educated guess would put it somewhere well over fifty percent. Also, does anyone know how much oil the USA currently holds in reserve? How long would we be able to keep our country running on those reserves?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think it is feasibly within our power to stop the flow of oil to much of the world. I think not doing so would be worth a lot to growing nations.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

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#5 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
i think you're not realizing how badly our situation with oil has become.

from what i can tell, our dependency on oil very much resembles a drug addiction. for a drug addict, due to a faulty dopamine-regulation system and an inability to manage the stresses of life, in the human mind drug use becomes ranked with the "Eat-Sleep-Kill-Fuck" survival mechanisms we, as humans has. getting high is thus made as important/serious to the individual as a life-or-death, survival situation.

just like this, our country has come to depend on the securement of as much oil as possible akin to our country's survival.

military power means nothing if our finances have fallen out from underneath us, because all that military power we have securing oil sources around the world would be worthless if suddenly there was no longer any supporting the military operation.

the truth is, we're behind on the alternate fuels research, especially when it comes to mass implementation, and we are now at a point where, since the end of the cold war, every US foreign policy decision has been weighed down by the securement of foreign sources of crude oil. This is why we seem to be ignoring North Korea, and instead focus on disrupting Middle East countries who are announcing oil bourses, and flipping their oil sales from US dollars to other currencies.

If we lose our seat of power in the world, which right now is largely dependent on our economic prowess, unfortunately we have decades of inner rotting that will collapse pretty badly when the going gets tough.

I'm not sure if you it serves any purpose to go comparing right now to other ages in history, but what i believe we're on the verge of, which has been coming for years now, is something similar to the rise and collapse of the Roman Empire and plenty of other giants.

It all boils down to what my Freshman year high school history teacher told us about on something like the second day of class: the downfall of the Greeks, and the downfall of Rome was largely due to them succumbing to their own "hubris".
It was a Greek concept, and according to our textbooks it was one of the greatest examples of "learning from history's mistakes so as not to repeat them", that a nation would grow in power, grow far too self-confident, far over-exceed their power, and then collapse due to a weakened internal state.

hey, i'm here in America to stay, I've decided, and I'm willing to go down with the ship, but that's what weed, John Stewart, and a small, portable survivalism library, are for.
-=[ s i n i s t e r ]=-


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#6 (permalink)
Old 1 Week Ago
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
So should I start buying silver and gold, or not? Seems like it's a yes. When I do buy it though, do I personally get the physical bars to put somewhere for safe keeping? Or do banks hold it? Personally, I don't want anyone but my own house to hold it, but it's not like interest rates go up on that, do they? Sorry if these questions seem a little obvious or dumb, I'm still in high school and have no real credit card or mortgage education. ANYWAYS...

I remember I bought the book The Coming Economic Collapse by Stephen Leeb... I bought it about 9 months ago but got bored with it, so my mom read it. She said she was very disturbed by it and I could tell she was stressed out after reading it. Leeb wrote about it being a good idea to buy silver and gold as well as educating yourself in a lot of farming and self-sufficiency survival type education because, with an economic collapse, there is no one buying anything - including food.

Just as some advice, I'd also encourage all of you who buy into this to buy a gun or two. With mass hysteria people will be looting shit and who knows if it includes homes. Just a thought. This is very informative and greatly appreciated. You just helped save a few lives if you think about it. Good work man.
Last edited by Signal Lost : 1 Week Ago at 09:21 PM.
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by Signal Lost View Post
This is very informative and greatly appreciated. You just helped save a few lives if you think about it. Good work man.
Personally, I thank Mike Whitney and a few other good journalists out there for keeping us all informed in regards to the financial chaos that is about to be unleashed.

Good questions! The value of silver is much lower than gold (obviously). So, if you invest in silver it could get quite heavy and very difficult to lug around in the case where you must relocate. Gold would be the way to go if you have the finances to do so. Most gold these days is littered with other metals called "filler" and could cause issues when trying to cash out on it. I would advise purchasing a more natural version of gold. Nuggets, and gold dust pulled right out of the ground is the best way to do it. There will still be other elements in nuggets but better natural elements rather than deliberate. Also, if you are in good health, enjoy the outdoors and live in an area known to have gold deposits in the ground, it never hurts to go search for it yourself. I have been a "prospector" for over 8 years now and I know for a fact that it can be profitable if done correctly. If not, you can find nuggets for sale all over the web. Whether or not you keep it in your home is up to you. If you do, I would invest in a small fire proof safe and mount it somewhere out of sight. Hope this helps...
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
Last edited by Chip Lewis : 1 Week Ago at 01:50 AM.
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#8 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by shane View Post
I think perhaps you are forgetting what truly backs our economy. It isn't gold, nor is it oil. It is force. The empires of old kept afloat by taking control of trade rotues, both land and sea. As airborne trade routes became prevalent and the global economy emerged, the old imperial model was invalidated. A new strategy was needed, and we saw it first emerge in the cold war.
While this is true Shane, I would point out the same facts that Sinister did it a similar way; take a look at the Euro, and its value compared to the USD. And, this is the current reasons for any and all current military action.

Originally Posted by shane
Frank Herbert said that "Absolute power is the power to destroy." He was referring to the melange spice of Arrakis, a substance upon which travel and progress was dependent in the fictional empire of Dune. In that scenario, the spice could just as easily represent real world oil pipelines.
Good analogy. However melange spice wasn't destroying the environment, nor quickly becoming unpopular worldwide.

Originally Posted by shane
I've admittedly done little research into the solid numbers here. Does anyone know offhand exactly what percentage of the world's circulated oil flows through pipelines that our within the range of our military influence? My educated guess would put it somewhere well over fifty percent. Also, does anyone know how much oil the USA currently holds in reserve? How long would we be able to keep our country running on those reserves?
Military influence is over-rated and does very little to convince nations to trade in the USD verses every other currency in the world. That is without creating more "democratic nations". Besides, the good ole US of A is far too stretched to wield its mighty power at this point. We have been reduced to nukes and nukes alone. Kind of scary.

Originally Posted by shane
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it is feasibly within our power to stop the flow of oil to much of the world. I think not doing so would be worth a lot to growing nations.
It'd be rather difficult to stop the flow of oil between the middle east and China. Especially from the geographical standpoint. If a tree falls in a forest with no one to hear it, then does it make a sound?
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by Chip Lewis View Post
Good questions! The value of silver is much lower than gold (obviously). So, if you invest in silver it could get quite heavy and very difficult to lug around in the case where you must relocate. Gold would be the way to go if you have the finances to do so.
Currently this is the case, since the ratio is about 50:1, but in the event that there is a flight to physical metal, due to a currency crisis or something of that nature, then the ratio is likely to close up, as was demonstrated during the last big precious metals run.

Originally Posted by Chip Lewis View Post
Most gold these days is littered with other metals called "filler" and could cause issues when trying to cash out on it. I would advise purchasing a more natural version of gold. Nuggets, and gold dust pulled right out of the ground is the best way to do it. There will still be other elements in nuggets but better natural elements rather than deliberate.
To the best of my knowledge, if you purchase an assayed coin such as an American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, Australian Luna, etc, you will be getting 99.9% pure gold and these coins are accepted by almost any coin dealer. I have never heard of anyone receiving fraudulent assayed merchandise, and if you are buying from a reputable dealer, this is almost certain not to happen.

I'm not sure what the market is for gold nuggets, but I'd imagine that it would be more difficult and costly to unload them, since they would require assay and people would be more likely to accept assayed coins (i would, at least).
Originally Posted by Chip Lewis View Post
Also, if you are in good health, enjoy the outdoors and live in an area known to have gold deposits in the ground, it never hurts to go search for it yourself. I have been a "prospector" for over 8 years now and I know for a fact that it can be profitable if done correctly. If not, you can find nuggets for sale all over the web. Whether or not you keep it in your home is up to you. If you do, I would invest in a small fire proof safe and mount it somewhere out of sight. Hope this helps...
It is probably a good idea to keep it in your home, buried in the ground, or somewhere safe. Probably better buried in the ground than in a bank vault, where the possibility of confiscation exists.

Also, it is a good idea to keep its location and the amount a secret, for security reasons.
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by kahotep View Post
Currently this is the case, since the ratio is about 50:1, but in the event that there is a flight to physical metal, due to a currency crisis or something of that nature, then the ratio is likely to close up, as was demonstrated during the last big precious metals run.
Makes plenty of sense.
Originally Posted by kahotep
To the best of my knowledge, if you purchase an assayed coin such as an American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, Australian Luna, etc, you will be getting 99.9% pure gold and these coins are accepted by almost any coin dealer. I have never heard of anyone receiving fraudulent assayed merchandise, and if you are buying from a reputable dealer, this is almost certain not to happen.
I suppose you are correct.
Originally Posted by kahotep
I'm not sure what the market is for gold nuggets, but I'd imagine that it would be more difficult and costly to unload them, since they would require assay and people would be more likely to accept assayed coins (i would, at least).
I was referring to jewelry and gold trinkits and things. If you know for a fact the gold is gold by all means go for it. However, I always liked spending 6 to 8 hours browsing through the rocks and dust at the bottom of a shallow creek with the possibility of actually turning a profit. Have fun, make money. Seems like a no brainer.
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#11 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
So where do you cash in gold coins or nuggets or bars? Banks? And do they give a price off the top of their heads and sort of pawn it off? Or is it more like they weigh it and calculate the exact amount it's worth?

I also remember my mom saying she invested in gold and she somehow lost money? I can see that because it's so unstable right now, but how would she invest in it without buying it? Can you do that through the stock market as well as physically buying it?
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Thanks to the Bernanke Helecopter Money Drop policy, we have the re-action to the liquidity dump that he created with the Japanese Ministry of Finance. Now we are witnessing the unwinding of that liquidity dump and the spillover into the dollar market...

Unwinding the Yen, Unravels Global Stock Markets

Millions of words have been written about the heavy handed tactics of Japan’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) in manipulating the value of the Japanese yen, the Japanese bond market, and squeezing short sellers in the Nikkei-225 futures market. Manipulation of markets through the use of jawboning, re-jigging of inflation statistics, and outright intervention is a time honored tradition at the MoF.

Japan’s Ministry of Finance is a political, economic, and intellectual force without parallel, and with a greater concentration of power than any branch of government amongst the major industrialized democracies. In Japan, there is no institution with more power, and it has a borrowing ceiling for foreign exchange intervention of up to 140 trillion yen ($1.2 trillion) for the upcoming fiscal year.

So if US Treasury chief Henry Paulson was looking for a quick fix to rescue the Dow Jones Industrials from crashing below the psychological 12,000-level, his visit to Tokyo’s Financial Warlords on March 6th, was perfectly timed.

The US dollar was plummeting towards 115.25-yen, when Paulson arrived at MoF headquarters in Tokyo. “Yen carry” traders borrowed an estimated 40 to 70 trillion yen ($350-600 billion) and channeled much of the funds into commodities and stocks around the globe. But the “yen carry” trades were going sour, when the yen suddenly zoomed 5% higher.

US stocks lost $837 billion of value in the five-day period ended March 2nd, amid a worldwide rout that began in Hong Kong. The sudden unwinding of the “yen carry” trade had whacked $1.5 trillion of value from global stock markets, threatening the global economy.

The infamous “yen carry” trade stopped generating rewards, soon after the Group of Seven central bankers warned on February 10th, that speculators could get burned by one-way bets against the yen. Then, under heavy pressure from angry European finance ministers who are fed up with Tokyo’s six-year “cheap yen” policy, the Bank of Japan hiked its overnight loan rate to 0.50%, its highest level in 10-years, to stop the slide in the Japanese yen against the Euro and US dollar.

While the BoJ’s rate hike put a floor under the yen, it wasn’t enough to push the low yielding currency higher. What lifted the yen sharply higher, and ignited the global stock market shake-out, were meltdowns in share prices of US sub-prime mortgage lenders, and fears the weakening US housing sector could topple the US economy. Former Fed chief “Easy” Al Greenspan put the odds of a US recession at 1:3.

Carry traders were losing an estimated $10 to $12 billion on over-extended short yen positions, and it was looking very bleak for the global stock markets until the US dollar suddenly found support at 115-yen and the Euro bottomed at 150-yen. Did the Bank of Japan intervene in the currency markets on March 6th, at the request of US Treasury chief Paulson, to stop the surge in the yen? Did the BoJ and the US Treasury intervene to support the Japanese and US stock markets last week?

The Nuts and Bolts of the “Yen Carry” Trade

Before examining the latest Japanese MoF and US Treasury intervention tactics, it’s important to understand how the “yen carry” trade works. It’s simple to understand, and it’s not just hedge funds and international bankers who engage in the trade. Many brokerage firms offer margin loans at near 1% in Japanese yen, which are re-invested by their clients to buy stocks around the world.

The “yen carry” trade is primarily a simple game of interest rate arbitrage. Step 1: Borrow yen at 0.5% and convert the yen into $9,000 US dollars. Step 2: With $9,000 from Japan and $1,000 of your own money, invest $10,000 in US Treasury notes at 5.00%. Step 3: Collect $500 in interest from the US Treasury, and pay $45 to the Japanese lender. Step 4: Pocket the $455 difference as a profit, for a rate of return of 45.5% on your original $1,000. Step 5: Sell the US Treasury note, and convert the US dollars back into Japanese yen to pay off your loan.

Step 5 is the tricky part, because if the yen were to suddenly surge by 5% against the US dollar, the principal amount of the yen loan would also climb 5% from $9,000 to $9,450, which would wipe out the $455 profit from the interest rate spread. It would be nice to buy yen futures as a hedge against a climbing currency. The problem is that yen futures trade at a hefty premium to the cash market price.

Locking into a yen futures contract at say a 4.5% premium to the cash price would wipe out the profit from the interest rate differential between the two currencies. So carry traders must take on currency risk to play the game, which can go very wrong, if the yen suddenly shoots higher. And that’s what happened earlier this month, when the Japanese yen suddenly surged by 5% against the Euro and US dollar, until US Treasury chief Paulson huddled with Tokyo financial warlords on March 6th.

On February 10th, G-7 central bankers had warned traders against the practice of borrowing vast amounts in low-yield currencies such as the yen and Swiss franc to reinvest for a profit elsewhere. “We want the markets to be aware of the risks of one-way bets, in particular on the foreign exchange market. One-way bets in the present circumstances would not be appropriate. We want the markets to be aware of the risks they contain,” said European Central Bank chief Jean “Tricky” Trichet.

Japanese Finance Minister Koji Omi was singing from the same song book. “This means that G-7 countries think that markets, particularly foreign exchange markets, should recognize the risk of moving in one direction too heavily. I think we have come to the appropriate conclusion,” he said. And when the chief of the powerful Japanese ministry of finance speaks, currency traders listen but don’t always obey.

European Central Bankers demand a Stronger Yen

Aided by the Euro’s strength against the yen, Japanese exports to the European Union nearly doubled to 1.06-trillion yen in December. But on the flip side, European exports to Japan have waffled between stagnation and deterioration. While Japan is a small market for European exporters, Euro zone finance ministers understand that its exporters will suffer badly in world markets because of cheap competition from Japan in addition to cut-throat competition from China.

“I will read again what we just said in Essen, we reaffirm that exchange rates should reflect economic fundamentals,” said ECB chief Trichet at the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Feb 15th. “We believe that the Japanese economy is on a sustainable economic path and that exchange rates should reflect these economic fundamentals,” Trichet added.

Earlier on Jan 31st, Bank of France chief Christian Noyer said there was room for the Bank of Japan to raise its interest rates carefully. “I’m concerned about developments in the yen. The yen exchange rate is not in line with an improvement in the Japanese economy and its strength. Japan is one of the engines to drive global growth. A weak yen will cause distortion in the world economy in the medium term. However, I think the market will correct it in an autonomous manner,” he concluded.

So last month, European finance ministers demanded and received an interest rate hike from the Bank of Japan to 0.50%, to stop the slide of the yen. For his part, US Treasury chief Paulson was opposed to Europe’s idea of pressuring Japan for a rate hike, and instead was content with Tokyo’s cheap yen policy. “I may be looking at it a bit more carefully only because of the publicity coming out of Europe. But from my standpoint, the yen’s value is set in a competitive marketplace,” he said on Feb 1st.
On Feb 14th, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke aligned himself squarely with Paulson before the Senate Banking Committee. “We don’t see any manipulation or intervention in the value of the yen. The Treasury and Federal Reserve have expressed a view that exchange rates ought to be determined in free and open markets. As best we can tell, the yen’s value is being determined in a free, open, competitive market. There is no evidence of any intervention going on.”

Yet Bernanke’s testimony coincided with an announcement by DaimlerChrysler that it was slashing 13,000 jobs at its North American car plants, bringing the loss of US auto manufacturing jobs to 80,000 over the past 12-months. “The last time the Japanese purchased dollars was in March 2004,” Bernanke quipped. The disintegration of the US manufacturing base is the price that the US Treasury is willing to pay in return for cheap credit from China, Japan, and South Korea.

G-7 Pressure for Unwinding of Yen carry Trade

But European finance ministers were not buying the US Plunge Protection Team’s propaganda and demanded that Japan begin to lift its abnormally low interest rates into alignment with the rest of the world. Four weeks later, the yen carry trade began to unravel, triggering widespread selling of commodities and stocks around the globe by over-extended speculators, banks, and hedge funds.

When asked about the sudden panic sales of global stock markets at the G-10 meeting in Basel, Switzerland on March 12th, ECB chief Trichet described the markets slide as a correction and not triggered by economic fundamentals. “We do not observe that it will or should trigger a correction in the real economy. In an environment where risk appetite was historically high, and signs of under-pricing of risks in a large number of markets, this episode has been a useful reminder that there are risks in all markets, two-way risks in all markets,” he said.

Brief history of Tokyo Intervention in the Yen

There are many tricks of the trade that the US Treasury’s Plunge Protection Team can learn from Tokyo’s Financial Warlords, who have decades of experience in hand to hand combat with nasty currency speculators and bearish stock market operators. Tokyo’s MoF has acquired $875 billion of foreign currencies through its intervention operations, and has skillfully manhandled the $6.7 trillion Japanese government bond market into a range of just 1.2% to 1.9% for most of the past six years.

(The next edition of the Global Money Trends newsletter will present a special section with a chronological history of Japanese MoF intervention in the yen, Japanese bond market and the Nikkei-225 stock index over the past five-years).

MoF jawboning is very effective in moving the yen into Tokyo’s desired range, because it has built up a reputation for uncompromising ruthlessness in the markets. The last time foreign currency traders engaged in all-out war with the MoF was after Canadian, European, and US finance officials called for a stronger yen at the Group of Seven meeting in Dubai Sept 23, 2003. Within minutes, the BoJ’s previous nine-month and $78 billion defense of 115-yen collapsed.

Currency traders were given the “green light” to knock the US dollar lower, and it quickly fell through the BoJ’s next line of defense at 110-yen. But Tokyo was determined to cushion the dollar’s downfall, and stepped up its intervention over the next six months, by selling 26 trillion yen and purchasing US$250 billion in the foreign exchange market between 104 and 110-yen.

But the massive BoJ intervention campaign on behalf of the dollar came to a halt on March 16th, 2004 after former Fed chief Greenspan critiqued the manipulative practice. “We are getting closer to the point where continued intervention at this scale will no longer meet the monetary policy needs of Japan,” he said on March 9th, 2004. US Treasury chief Snow added, “No currency can be regarded as strong if it relies on life support, is being propped up, by interventions.”

Since March 2004, the BoJ has stayed out of the FX market, the longest period that Tokyo has gone without getting its hands dirty since 1991. But that hasn’t stopped the practice of jawboning and verbal threats to guide the yen, when unruly currency traders get out of line with Tokyo’s target zones.

Since March 2004, Japan’s foreign currency reserves have grown by around $50 billion to a record $875 billion, mostly due to the appreciation of the Euro against the yen. About 65% of Japan’s FX reserves are in US dollars and 35% in Euros, so MoF warlords can enforce a floor under the yen at any point of its choosing, and keep a lid on the “yen carry” trade through massive intervention.

Angry US Democrats are demanding that Tokyo start boosting the yen in the FX market. “We believe that a weak yen is a reflection of Japanese government policy,” said Rep’s Charles Rangel, Barney Franks, John Dingell and Sander Levin on Feb 11th. “We urge the Japanese government to reverse their weak yen policy through concrete action. Japan should be selling the massive reserves it has accumulated, thereby changing the imbalances with the dollar and the Euro.”

In October 2006, Japanese FX chief Hiroshi Watanabe put a lid on the US dollar rally near 120-yen and then triggered a slide to as low as 114.5-yen over the next six weeks, after telling reporters in New York, “I see no reason for a further deterioration in the yen given the strength in the Japanese economy.” Watanabe said he had “no fear of the Japanese economy tipping into recession any time in the next two years,” adding that Japan’s economy had become resilient to high oil prices.

But “yen carry” traders regrouped for another rally in the Euro and US dollar, and also pushed the yen to its lowest level in 21-years against a basket of currencies representing Japan’s largest trading partners. Japan’s ultra-low interest rates have created enormous bubbles in global stock markets, and have increased the risk of disorderly unwinding of global trade imbalances.

For a second time, Japanese MoF warlords put a lid on the dollar’s rally, this time to 122-yen last month, when the radical inflationist Prime minister, Shinzo Abe finally bowed to the European demand for a stronger yen. The Bank of Japan’s rate hike to 0.50% capped the dollar’s rally at 121.50-yen, and then trouble in the US housing sector, sent herds of “yen carry” traders scrambling for the exits at the same time.

The dollar was dealt the final hammer blow on March 5th, after Japanese trade minister Akira Amari said, “I’ve been thinking that 120-yen /dollar was too cheap in light of Japanese economic power,” he told a Fuji TV program. By the time US Treasury chief Paulson arrived in Tokyo for meeting with MoF chief Omi, the dollar was plunging to 115.25-yen, after guru Greenspan told a big ticket audience in Hong Kong that the US economy faced a 1:3 chance of a recession in 2007.

While MoF chief Omi huddled with US Treasury chief Paulson, Japanese deputy Finance Minister Hideto Fujii did damage control on March 5th, saying he was “keeping a close eye on moves in the stock and foreign exchange markets.”

Japanese MoF and US Treasury try to Rescue Global Stock markets

With all eyes focused on the world’s two most powerful figures in global finance huddled in Tokyo, to stitch a rescue package for the dollar and global stock markets, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said, “As share prices have fallen worldwide, our stance is that we are closely watching, while keeping close contact with authorities from other countries,” he said.

But Japan’s near-zero interest rates and severely undervalued currency are at the root cause of financial market bubbles and distortions, says Eisuke Sakakibara, “Mr Yen” the former Japanese vice-minister for international finance in 1997-99. Mr Yen estimates the “yen carry” trade to be worth Y40 trillion ($430 billion), “it may be Y60 trillion or Y70 trillion, but I don’t think it matters now, it’s so large,” he said.
Sakakibara said it’s “worrying that nobody had any real idea of the scale of the yen carry trade, and traders, hedge funds and asset fund managers operating within it are accustomed to operating only in relatively calm market conditions. All the BoJ can do is to normalize Japanese interest rates at the earliest reasonable opportunity because the excess liquidity situation emanating from the Japanese monetary system needs to be changed as soon as possible,” he warned.

It seems like deja’vu all over again. After witnessing a 575-point plunge in the Nikkei-225 index, a 3.3% loss to 16,642 on March 5th, the powerful MoF warlord, Hiroshi Watanabe was asked for his opinion on the market. “We should be closely monitoring stock markets, but we don’t have any serious concern. In Japan the size of the correction is very big, but I don’t think it will last for very long.”

Sure enough, Watanabe’s comments put a floor under the Nikkei-225 on March 5th, similar to his rescue of the Nikkei-225’s rout in January 2006 from the Livedoor fiasco. Japanese traders have complete faith in Watanabe’s ability to put out fires and turn bearish markets around. Within a few days, the US dollar rebounded from a low of 115.25 on March 5th to as high as 118.50-yen, which triggered a 700-point rebound in the Nikkei-225 index.

US Treasury borrows MoF Script on Intervention

With MoF warlords putting a floor under the Nikkei-225 at 16,600, the US Plunge Protection Team (PPT) went into action on March 5 and 6th. Just 12-hours earlier, the share price of Goldman Sachs had plummeted by $5.75 to $190 per share, off 14.7% from its record highs set on Feb 22nd. Shares of New Century Financial NEW.N, the second-largest US home lender in the sub-prime market had plunged 70% the previous day, after some lenders refused to let it tap credit lines. Goldman Sachs is one of New Century’s lenders, along with Morgan Stanley and Citigroup.

Suddenly, the masters of the universe, with their slick and sophisticated Ponzi schemes requiring ever-larger infusions of cheap money were caught off guard. Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bros, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, which earned a record $24.5 billion in 2006, are exposed to sub-prime junk bonds, equaling 10% to 15% of their firm’s capital. Prices for credit-default swaps linked to their bonds traded at levels that equated to debt ratings of Baa2.

Speaking from Tokyo on March 5th, with the Dow Jones Industrials (DJI) teetering on the brink of the psychological 12,000 level and Goldman Sachs stock in need of some oxygen, PPT chief commander, Henry Paulson issued a buy signal, “Some of the credit issues are there, but they’re largely contained. The global economy is more than sound. It’s as strong in the last couple of years as I’ve seen in a lifetime. All the economies are growing, inflation is low, and liquidity is high,” Paulson declared. His comments triggered a powerful 160-point DJI rally by day’s end.

On Feb 27th, White House spokesman Tony Fratto said President Bush got a briefing over the phone from Paulson concerning the 416-point plunge in the DJI. “The president’s economic advisers are keeping an eye on the markets. We believe that the economic fundamentals in the US economy are sound,” said Fratto, borrowing the script from Tokyo’s Ministry of Finance.

Treasury spokeswoman Brooklyn McLaughlin said the President’s Working Group of Financial Markets (Plunge Protection Team) was monitoring the markets. “The president’s working group regularly monitors markets and will continue to do so,” McLaughlin said. The high-level group is made up of the Federal Reserve chairman, Treasury secretary, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

It’s very interesting to note that the Dow Jones Industrial futures market gapped 80-points higher after Paulson’s “don’t worry, be happy” comments in Tokyo, during the first 15-minutes of Asian trading on March 6th, putting a nasty squeeze on short sellers.
On the previous day, March 5th, a large buyer entered the market to catch a falling knife, and lifted the DJI futures 140-points off their intra-day low within the second hour of Asian trading, when market conditions are usually thin.

By week’s end, Goldman Sachs shares had recovered to $201 /sh.

Is there Intervention in the Stock Index futures markets?

Did Japan’s finance ministry and the US Treasury intervene in the stock index futures markets, to prevent panic free-falls, and engineer short squeeze rallies? Only their floor brokers know for sure. But intervention also includes jawboning, painting rosy scenarios, downplaying bad economic news and sub-prime mortgage defaults, and pushing money into the hands of securities dealers through coupon passes.

The US Plunge Protection Team (PPT) gave frazzled US investors a chance to catch their breath as the Dow Jones Industrials rebounded 226 points last week, after a 736-point plunge from its Feb 20th record high. But it has been almost four years since the Dow Industrials or the Standard & Poor’s 500 fell 10% from a high, which is an exceptionally long period without such a pullback. Not even Tokyo’s financial warlords have been able to put together such as winning streak!

The upcoming March 16th edition of Global Money Trends will examine the next likely move in the “yen carry” trade, with its implications for the global stock markets, commodities and gold. Was the 416-point plunge in the Dow Jones Industrials and sharp declines in other global stock markets the beginning of a bear market, or just a nasty correction in the a longer term bull market?
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#13 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by Signal Lost View Post
So where do you cash in gold coins or nuggets or bars? Banks? And do they give a price off the top of their heads and sort of pawn it off? Or is it more like they weigh it and calculate the exact amount it's worth?

I also remember my mom saying she invested in gold and she somehow lost money? I can see that because it's so unstable right now, but how would she invest in it without buying it? Can you do that through the stock market as well as physically buying it?
You can buy gold on the internet through Ebay, APMEX (American Precious Metals Exchange); most of the auctions offer shipping insurance and returns. Many auctions actually accept PayPal, which can be useful if you want to float some on a CC that has a low rate.

I prefer to use a local coin dealer who can buy or sell just about any amount of anything. There is usually at least one in every medium sized city and there's always exchanges like this in large cities. These guys charge a markup of about 5%, I believe, but you have the peace of mind of possessing the physical metal and not just a paper promise to get the metal.

If you want to have "paper gold" you can purchase (or sell it short) it in a variety of ways.
Futures Contract - a continuous contract or a contract for delivery of a metal at on specific month that you can either take delivery or leg your contract foreword to a later month before contract expiration. This is only recommended if you have a great deal of capitol.
XAU/USD or XAG/USD on certain foreign exchange brokers. The broker that I use, Oanda, gives its customers the ability to trade any major currency pair as well as gold and silver (short or long). When you hold Gold (XAU) or Silver(XAG), you must pay the interest differential between the U.S. Dollar (4.5%) and the cost for the gold (.5% i think), so it ends up being about 5%. So a position of, say 2000 ounces of silver will cost around $4 a day (not bad if you're making good trades). With 2000 ounces of silver, you will make or lose $20 per 1-cent move.
GLD or SLV ETF's (Exchange Traded Funds) - I wouldn't recommend these unless you are using a tax-sheltered account. Internal Revenue (Puerto Rican Trust II) takes a 30% cut of your profits on this one. Plus each of your trades is reported to Internal Revenue, unlike a forex broker, which only sends them a 1099-Int form.
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#14 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Now, I'm just watching a CNN report on US dependency on the Chinese economy, as well as our heaay importing of their cheap goods, while simultaneously borrowing money from China to buy them.
The reporter on CNN started talking about the recent bizarre drops in the US stock market, and said that the Chinese "manipulated their own stocks to cause a drop", and since our market is now heavilly sensitive to Chinese markets, we took a huge hit.
Am I reading this right? Is this something akin to the Chinese anti-satellite defense system test a few weeks back, when they destroyed one of their own, old weather satellites as a test to prove they could take out low-level US satellites?
By manipulating their own markets, which are, as I understand it, state-controlled anyway, were the Chinese testing how sensitive we are economically?
-=[ s i n i s t e r ]=-


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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by sinister View Post
Now, I'm just watching a CNN report on US dependency on the Chinese economy, as well as our heaay importing of their cheap goods, while simultaneously borrowing money from China to buy them.

The reporter on CNN started talking about the recent bizarre drops in the US stock market, and said that the Chinese "manipulated their own stocks to cause a drop", and since our market is now heavilly sensitive to Chinese markets, we took a huge hit.
Am I reading this right? Is this something akin to the Chinese anti-satellite defense system test a few weeks back, when they destroyed one of their own, old weather satellites as a test to prove they could take out low-level US satellites?

The event that we witnessed in late February was the biggest one-day spike in world market volatility that has occurred in the modern epoch. Secretary of the United States Treasury Paulson had visited China before the event took place, which indicates the possibility that this was a coordinated move between China, the United States and possibly other nations as well.

I think the event was staged for a variety of reasons:
To drain some of the excess liquidity from the markets so that it may be re-injected at a later date, in order to prevent the sorts of crashes that occur when a market has not had a correction and investors become over-zealous and bid up prices to unreasonable levels.
To stifle the recent run in precious metals, which were on the verge of scaring investors into safe-haven assets and out of paper. This promoted fear and gave many the impression that gold/silver are going to start moving in lock-step with the equity markets. This fear is, however, contrary to 5,000 years of history which prove that precious metals are the greatest safe-haven asset; there is no mis-management that can corrupt it, actually mis-management makes the metal prices stronger. Simply put, the elite would rather you buy a bond than a gold coin.
To make some money for those in the inner circles. The people who were warned or foresaw this event made boatloads of money and were able to buy up stocks on the cheap.
Originally Posted by sinister View Post
By manipulating their own markets, which are, as I understand it, state-controlled anyway, were the Chinese testing how sensitive we are economically?
The U.S. markets are essentially state controlled as well. If you look into the article about the U.S. working with the Japanese Ministry of Finance to create liquidity and dollar buying, that shows just how manipulative they have been lately. These policies have had a tremendous impact on the entire financial system and the excess money that is in the system is the very cause of all of this volatility that is starting to get out of balance.

The U.S. and Chinese are locked at the hip. The Chinese Yuan has been virtually fixed to the U.S. Dollar since the early 90's and, as most of us realize by now, their goods are flooding into the states through COSCO (Communist Overseas Shipping Company) and several others.

I believe that this started when the United States of America gave away the Panama Canal and the Chinese government built bases on both sides thereafter.

To me this indicates that the Chinese and American industrialists have a plan... this plan is to bring a new world order into the picture. Here is an excerpt from Bill Clinton's fifth state of the union speech:
We must pursue a deeper dialog with China for the sake of our interests and our ideals. An isolated China is not good for America; a China playing its proper role in the world is. I will go to China, and I have invited China's President to come here, not because we agree on everything but because engaging China is the best way to work on our common challenges like ending nuclear testing and to deal frankly with our fundamental differences like human rights.....

It is an idea, the most powerful idea in the history of nations, and all of us in this chamber, we are now the bearers of that idea. Leading a great people into a new world.

If anyone is interested in the surrender of the Panama Canal to the Communists, I would highly recommend this interview with 7-Term Idaho Congressman George V. Hansen.
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Default 30-day Countdown to War
The writing is on the wall. Will the United States of America pull the trigger for Israel again? Will she sacrifice herself for the will of the Zionist trash?

30-day Countdown to War
Bob Moriarty
Mar 11, 2007

We are almost certainly in the last days of a countdown to nuclear war. Israel has made plans to attack Iran in a war of aggression, which will probably begin with some staged attack such as the attack on the Liberty in 1967.

The USS Liberty Cover-Up

Bush and the Gang of Fools in Washington will be part of it; we don't have two carrier groups in the Middle East to support tourism. When it happens, kiss the dollar and the United States of America goodbye. If you don't own gold now, buy some fairly soon. My experience as a combat intelligence officer tells me the attack will be in the next month.
On the 8th of March Israel issued the following warning.
"• 5. Updated Travel Warnings
Israel's National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Division presents the following updated travel warnings for Israelis traveling abroad. It is advised that travelers should avoid visiting and leave the area as soon as possible in the following high to very high-threat countries: Algeria, Afghanistan, Chechnya, (southern Russia) Djibouti, Egypt, (especially the Sinai peninsula), Jordan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kashmir (northern India), Lebanon Malaysia, Mindanao, (southern Philippines) Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia Southern Thailand, Syria & Yemen. Travelers should postpone non-essential travel to: Bangladesh, Bangkok, Libya, Oman, Nigeria & southeastern Turkey (borders with Iraq and Iran). Travelers in general, should avoid visiting the following countries: Bahrain, Chad, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia. Israeli citizens are called upon to be especially cautious when visiting: Philippines, Turkey, Thailand, & Uzbekistan. (Sources: National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Division, GPO)."
Israel Hasbara Committee
Israel is the most hated country in the world today for their war crimes and they are about to magnify the problem 1000 fold. I cannot predict the negative things which will happen as a result of another illegal and immoral war but dropping nuclear weapons on a non-nuclear state which poses no threat to either the US or Israel is going to open Pandora's box as no war crime in history ever tried.

One of the results I can guarantee is that the US dollar is going to be destroyed. It's no great shakes predicting that. Hell, even the Comptroller General of the United States is running around telling as many people as will listen (about 14 in total, I reckon) that the United States is bankrupt. Between a two-trillion-dollar-losing war in Iraq, a balance of payments totally out of control and the Gang of Fools in Washington, you can pretty much kiss the dollar goodbye the day the attack begins. And don't think for a minute I'm talking about strictly the Republican fools in Washington. By their actions, or better yet, lack of action, the Democrats have proven since the last election that they can be just as corrupt and ignorant as the neo-Nazi Republicans.

The American people clearly voted against the illegal war in Iraq and against the policies of this all too corrupt administration. Guess how thrilled the voters are going to be when they wake up one morning soon to $200 a barrel oil and find out just how much freedom they have left. (Hint, it rhymes with NONE)

Israel knows what their intentions are and it's no accident that they are warning their citizens to stay out or to get out of almost 40 countries immediately. As hated as they are today, Israel and the United States are about to commit the most foolish and self-destructive act of war in history. I have more time in the chow hall in combat than all of this administration combined and I can assure you that we are going to lose. It won't talk six months as it did with Iraq, we will know almost at once.

It wasn't Hitler who paid the greatest price for the war crimes he committed; it was the German people. And today it will be the citizens of Israel and the United States who will pay the ultimate price for what is no more than cold-blooded murder of millions. The butcher's bill will be paid.

Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold
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#17 (permalink)
Old 6 Days Ago
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
If the U.S. government is going to lose pretty much all power, why attack Middle Eastern countries?

It makes no sense to me that a country that will have no economy in a few months is going to nuclear war. What benefit will it have if we win, and what would make them think they will win? Or is there no intention to win at all?
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#18 (permalink)
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
i should have started reading this thread from the day it started i just have a few points i would like to make.

1. when i think of the US/China situation it always reminde me of the days not too long ago when you bought everything you had from the company store in one industry towns. China= the company, US= the beat down sap with no hopes of a future.

2.i like the idea of investing in metals rather than non-backed paper. however, China is the #1 reason for the spike in all metal prices not just precious metals. i work in and around alot of industry that utilize metals, and i have seen the non-precious metals start leveling off recently....makes me think "what is China up to now?" and when are precious metals going to follow.....then start heading down.

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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by Signal Lost View Post
If the U.S. government is going to lose pretty much all power, why attack Middle Eastern countries?

It makes no sense to me that a country that will have no economy in a few months is going to nuclear war. What benefit will it have if we win, and what would make them think they will win? Or is there no intention to win at all?
Honestly, about a million answers came to my mind after I read your question. However, I won't answer; because that is exactly the problem with this administration. They are so arrogant and hell bent on anything that could make their cronies more money that our well being has been completely lost in the shuffle...nuff said...
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Default Re: The Dollar Crash of '07
Originally Posted by kahotep View Post
Currently this is the case, since the ratio is about 50:1, but in the event that there is a flight to physical metal, due to a currency crisis or something of that nature, then the ratio is likely to close up, as was demonstrated during the last big precious metals run.
Thanks for this info Tep! I performed a small cram session and made a few of my own "investments". I figured a few pounds should do for now...
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