Planet x said to show up Sept


Senior Member
If Planet X is said to be showing up this coming September 2023, then as it approaches there should be an increase in detections of mass gravity, or the amount of disturbance that this supposedly larger planet may have upon Earth.*Note may be a time large in it actually showing up, has to take time to orbit into Earth's approximate locale.

You who are either time traveler or have access to time travel gravity anomalies equipment should be able to pick up these changes as PX approaches.

For you readers that know nothing of Planet X there's ample information on it both online and in the library systems.

New information may be that now in this era that Planet X may be taken over and driven like a vehicle by advanced aliens. The reason for this is Earth based mankind is often used as a contributing genetics' engineering source, to aliens that genetically engineer to stay viably sound within their race or civilization nieces.

So it might not be a good thing for them to polish off all the Earthlings in one fell swoop. We're needed' la la la. Lamdo

