Prince Charles and the British Royalty are decendents of Count Dracula!


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Prince Charles and the British Monarchy are descendants of Count Dracula!

Prince Charles.jpg Vlad the Impaler.jpg

Today while listening to Alex Jones, I was surprised to hear that Prince Charles and the British Monarchy are descendants of Vlad the Impaler, better known as Count Dracula! That sounds crazy, right? But it turns out to be true, according to Prince Charles.

The first video below and the following article talks about Romania boosting Tourism by promoting the connection between Prince Charles and Dracula. Article here:

Romanian tourist board to use alleged links between British royalty and DRACULA to boost UK visitor numbers

Romania Touting Prince Charles' Connection With Dracula: In a 2011 documentary about the Carpathian mountains, Prince Charles made a reference to his ancestral links to 'Count Dracula'.

Prince Charles Says He is Related to Vlad the Impaler/Dracula: This second video above has a clip where Prince Charles actually talks about Vlad the Impaler being his Ancestor. :eek:


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Here's a documentary on Vlad the Impaler, the real Dracula!
