PROOF OF TIME TRAVEL - 350 Year Old iPhone



In this 1670 painting by Pieter De Hooch, the man on the right appears to be holding what looks like an iPhone. The iPhone was spotted by Apple CEO Tim Cook and has led many to speculate that time travel may exist. Cook's remarks about the iOS device in the ancient painting may have been made jokingly, but conspiracy theorists are quick to let this off as being proof of time travel. What do you think? Does this 350 year old painting offer proof of time travel? Leave your thoughts in the comments!


Senior Member
Nah, i think its actually an old MP3 player thats only got Gregorian Chantings on it..No wonder he`s looking at his missus and saying, whats all this crap on here? :LOL:


Active Member
Determining whether or not it is time travel would require thorough systematic scientific investigation.

First you would have to authenticate the painting itself, to know it was the original, that it really was from 1670, that it was not altered. Then you would have to do a comparison study with i-phones and any other possible device from the modern back to pre-1670.

Even then, it would be arguable because of perception. The only way to know for 100% sure is to witness it.

You could go through a lengthy investigation employing various professionals and scientists, spend a ton of money all to conclude that it is authentic and looks exactly like the i-phone and no other device in ten thousand years of history, and there would still be a crowd of people positing that it must have been the painter's imagination.


Active Member
In order for it to be proof, it has to be definitive information.

For example; If you found your full name, exact time and date of birth, social security number, physical description, fingerprint and DNA code together in pattern embedded into something before you were born.

That would qualify as proof because it is precise, specific, definitive, measurable.
