
Time Travel Professor
The HoverBoard Team
"This is clearly a new frontier for science and we're excited and honored to share this first chapter with the world." —HUVr Team


What began as a summer project in 2010 at the MIT Physics Graduate Program has evolved into one of the most exciting independent products to be developed out of MIT since the high-powered lithium-ion batteries developed by Yet-Ming Chiang in 2001. Our team consists of materials science, electricity & magnetism experts who've solved an important part of one of science's mysteries: the key to antigravity.

The HUVr Board team ultimately aims to improve the efficiency, speed and sustainability of mass transportation. Yet rather than spend several more years closed off from the world while investing in research and development, the team and our world-class investors have worked to change the economics R&D by marketing this exciting consumer product in order to fund ongoing R&D.

HUVr Tech

Thanks for all your enthusiastic responses! We've received a lot of emails and comments, so we'd like to address the most popular questions:

1) Yes! This is real! We look forward to showing you just how real The HUVr is with a series of public live events coming soon to major US cities.

2) Yes! It is safe! Your safety is our highest concern. We wouldn't release a product that wasn't rigorously tested to the highest industry standards. When used properly, The HUVr is actually safer than riding a bike!

3) Pre-orders will be available within the month and we hope to ship in December of 2014. Yes, we will ship internationally!

4) We're working with the manufacturer to bring the price point down to something everyone can afford. Based on your excitement, it's looking like we can get there!

5) Yes, it's as fun to ride as it looks!

-The HUVr Team


Time Travel Professor
Posted Dec 7, 2004

A secret project in India’s Defense Research Organization that can change the world as we know it – anti-gravity lifters tested in Himalayas?
Juhi Singhal, Special Correspondent
December 04, 2004


The Article:


Dighi in Pune, the city of the brightest Indian defense research scientists and engineers is full of whispers these days. According to some sources in Pune the scientists are tight lipped and say they cannot speak till 2012. What is going to happen in 2012? No one knows but they keep saying before any question is asked – “I know nothing!” If you carefully keep your ears on these whispers you will realize India has tested something no one wants to talk about, It is a break through in conventional Physics and traditional mechanical and aeronautical engineering.

Still the question comes back why should all stay quiet till 2012? Where did this anti-gravity technology come from? Strange activities are being seen for quite some time in the Indian side of Himalayas. Some say the technology came from a Tampere University of Technology in Finland where an Indian scientist was research engineer. Others says it is really a planned diversion – it came from indigenous research that started in 1070s just after India exploded the first nuclear device in Pokhran. Mrs. Indira Gandhi in late seventies while communicating with news journalists once in Kolkata during a whirlwind election trip mentioned that India must research forgotten technologies that were part of Hindu mythologies like Ramayana and Mahabharata. When quizzed further she mentioned that like in ancient days we should be able to fly effortlessly.

Anti gravity technology can change India and the world. Uses seem limited only by the imagination: Lifts in buildings could be replaced by devices built into the ground. People wanting to go up would simply activate the anti-gravity device -- making them weightless -- and with a gentle push ascend to the floor they want.

Space-travel would become routine, as all the expense and danger of rocket technology is geared towards combatting the Earth's gravitation pull. By using the devices to raise fluids against gravity, and then conventional gravity to pull them back to earth against electricity-generating turbines, the devices could also revolutionize power generation.

India will most likely announce the discovery as part of peaceful innovation series. But obviously the military applications can make conventional missiles and aircrafts obsolete overnight.

Effortless lifting and low cost denial of gravity can change our world. And if the whispers are right, India may be changing the world forever. But why the magic year 2012? Why everything has to be kept secret till then?


Further reading:

The Gravity Society:
From Keelynet: Gravity Fed Wheel - 11/17/97
NASA BPP Project: (The BPP Project has been "deferred" since January 2003. It is unknown if or when funding will resume.)


Time Travel Professor
Does Back to the Future hoverboard really exist? - video

Researching : This Video it looks like it was a BIG Hoax

Read more: HUVr: does Back to the Future hoverboard really exist? - video| News | The Week UK

Christopher Lloyd, who played Dr Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future series, introduces the "real-life" hoverboard, while singer Moby and skateboarder Tony Hawk are among several celebrities to try it out.

The clip assures viewers that the "demonstrations are completely real", while a HUVr engineer explains that the board has "more technology within it than the satellites we sent to space in 2010".

However, those hoping to try out the long-awaited invention will be sorely disappointed. The clip has since been exposed as an elaborate and expensive hoax.

Geekosystem noticed a mysterious shadow in the background of one of the shots, which appears to be a crane holding people off the ground, while others spotted that the HUVr "engineer" was actually comedic actor Nelson Chang.

Scientifically-minded critics pointed out that to create the device, HUVr Tech would have "blown out of the water" the most advanced superconducting research ever carried out.

"The board not only sustains more weight than the 100kg limitation of 'Mag Surf' – a hovering technique developed in 2011 that employs a liquid nitrogen-cooled superconductor and a magnetic track – but it can also be controlled by a smartphone, lift a person off the ground, travel at high speeds, and seemingly extend a electromagnetic field to curved objects like ramps," said a dubious Nick Statt at CNet.

Not only that, but had it been genuine, there would have been questions about why such revolutionary technology had been applied not to lucrative government contracts, notes AV Club, but to "realising a movie prop so Moby could surf around a parking lot".

So who is behind the elaborate hoax? Mashable claims that the website of a Los Angeles-based costume designer holds the answer.

The most recent line of Lauren Biedenharn's online CV, which has now been taken down, says "Commercial: Back to the Future HUVR BOARDS" and her employer for the commercial: comedy video website Funny Or Die.

Read more: HUVr: does Back to the Future hoverboard really exist? - video| News | The Week UK
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Temporal Engineer
I kind of figured it was a hoax. There is always the mysterious group of people that show up to confiscate any type of technology like this. The government gets the blame. Basically if you want to make these kinds of claims, you really need a small army to defend your technology. I guess these people are lucky no one got killed before it became apparent it was a hoax.
