Secret knowledge


So i've decided to compile a list of some knowledge from my PU which also applies to yours since it is 0.003492% close to your so they should all apply. Ive been getting many questions and i want to just put it out now so i don't keep getting asked the same questions over and have to repeat myself. I'd like to ads that this is common knowledge to everyone in my PU.

1. The secret to success in life or half of it is: RECB, it stands for relevance, efficiency, consistency and Bias.

2. The definition of intelligence is the full control of tension and stimuli of a being or race. Fight or flight mechanism is what makes us an inferior race, as both of those things are irrelevant to an intelligent race. fight is for survival and flight is for pain or the impediment of.

3. All of our decisions are biased because of the variable: Pain, we will always take the route which we've simulated to let us experience the least amount of

4. the goal of the human race as it stands is to survive, the point of life is to procreate, the purpose of life is to become aware and compile information.

5. In your PU it is said that the brain makes a decision 7 seconds prior to reaction of the physiological body. The reason for that is because our brains use speed simulation tom predict the best possible outcome from which you see yourself performing 7 seconds later.

6. Perception is that which is relevant to you, if you don't see it its because it does not matter to you. so according to you, it does not exist.

7. Rules are those which were meant to be

8. If it matters and its necessary then it exists.

9. Once a highly intelligent being or race compiles all resources and information at full capacity, it will observe and simulate.

10. The ultimate entertainment is simulation, its the reason we love games and movies.

11. Natural born geniuses come from ideal variables

12. The more complex an organism is with the most variables available to it, the easier it is to predict its outcome or behavior as you have something to compare them to where a simple organism is volatile and static.

13. the most universal rule in existence and that we are aware of is variables vs constant parameters.

14. there is a trigger word which enables intense concentration

15. There is a way to program yourself to run in optimal operating mode

16. There are no facts as it is a childish means to describe constant parameters

17. day dreaming, imagination and dreaming are all childish means to describe simulation

18. Tension is not an emotion nut a reaction to stress

19. Wisdom is an infantile word for higher intelligence

20. In your PU humans have not evolved their nutrition from cooking

21. Emotion decreases intelligence and inhibits it.

22. Pain does not equal damage to vital systems and the humans in this PU have not realized it.

23. Pain impairs judgement.

24. Everything is predictable except anomalies

25. Belief is reality, reality is belief, this is a powerful item which you must be aware of at all times.

26. Humans become efficient when they have identified a purpose.

27. If an organism does not choose (purpose) or is not able to yet, it will be automatically assigned to them.

28. Consistency is security

29. There is a mathematical theory for finding and acquiring the best possible mate for procreation.

30. There is a mathematical equation to living to 250 years and it works.

31.The amount of money you make is predictable by sex

Thats all i can think of right now, ill write them down as i remember them. I hope this can open some eyes to anyone who reads this. feel free to ask more questions, just from writing this ive already altered your future, youre welcome.
I think emotions CAN inhibit intelligence, IF you allow yourself to be ruled by it or aren't even aware that you are.
I'm curious to know more & if these are based on your experience & observation from one universe or perhaps you've come to be able to see a much broader picture than most are able to?
