sleep paralysis

Janozlaw. I have already posted on sleep paralysis. I do not know if you are still hanging on. If 'yes' scroll back and check it out in the archives.

So guys gimme your experiences?is it scientifical or something else?
In my experience, It was definitely "something else" bc It is something I have NEVER forgotten. I only find that I have sleep paralysis when I am at my mother's where else. I'm awake-ish, but aware enough to know I can't move, and it's terrifiying.

One instance was when I was around the age of 5, my first experience, I couldn't move....I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything...and then it was as if my soul jumped out of my body b/c I saw that was hovering over my body. (I had fallen asleep in my parent's bedroom bc I was scared, rightfully so). I looked toward the door, and saw a man in black standing there looking down at the floor. Then my soul/spirit/essence/ whatever you want to call it, felt like it was being sucked under the floor, and I was suddenly under the bed. Terrified, I felt myself being pulled up back into my body, and I was literally gasping for air, as if I hadn't been breathing. I'd call it a bad dream, but it was so real, and the fact that I was gasping to's an experience I'll never shake.

Something else.

It was many years ago...about 7-8 years ago actually. I had just gone to sleep and just
where you begin to drift off into sleep, I was suddenly awakened by a crushing 'force' that
literally blotted out most of my vision. I couldn't see beyond my bed but I could feel
the edge of my bedding...It was as if I were literally being 'pushed' downward and into
the mattress. It was heavy, very heavy and I felt like I were being electricuted, I couldn't
shake this 'vibration'.

I was very startled and all I could think of doing was reach for my blessed walking stick
which was right next to my bed leaning against the wall.
I reached for it and was stopped. I could no longer move.

I called out for my Guardian Angel with what breath I had left in me, 'Help me..'.

There was a flash and...It was over. Like that.
All I saw was a black cloud likeness being sent out through my ceiling.

I don't believe that this was Sleep Paralysis of any kind.
I had my home investigated by 3 separate PIT(s)....But this is a story
for later.....

What was happening was confirmed by at least 2 of them...the 3rd paranormal investigation
team basically fled with no further contact.

I asked for a privacy clause so that my home wasn't opened
for questioning any longer. Keep it out of public record.
If i have reliable info on sleep paralysis ,if i have any clearance or knowledge on this issue, i can only relate to my own experience so it is not a universal truth. Although i admit that the mentioned knowledge has enabled me delve into secret aspects of my existence unveiling important info that has contributed to my understanding. I mean i've always tried to stick to practicalities relating psi abilities. Making it clear that unless the experience can be validated i'd better dismiss it from the public knowledge for lack of proof. Otherwise since it is corroborated by other facts and witnessed by third parties i dare post them. My idea is that i won't be confounded if a so called sceptic appears to debunk the whole experience. I will remain poised and keep confidence myself.
But what does it have to do to sleep paralysis?
The sleep paralysis is a temporary condition of the mind. It loses control of the body movements leading the experiencer to fall into a wide range of emotional most unsettling states from being simply scared, frightened to feeling totally horrified, petrified. That's when imagination begins to take control: since the individual feels his eyelids glued it leads him to think that he has grown blind. During the sleep paralysis the individual may have a dream he is riding down a winding dangerous highway crowded with trucks and buses; yet he cannot see he imagines he will imminently be doomed to die on the highway. You will understand that although the dramatic events are only happening on an oniric (dream like) scene/state it is real for the experiencer that begins to hyperventilate and may even piss in bed due to the terror. Well the sleep paralysis contributes to that.
Sleep paralysis is the portal to the most wonderful psi experiences. It is the threshold to other domains of consciousness. Through this doorway you may access various valid dimensions, you may meet with loved deceased relatives and have complete dialogues with them. You may obtain knowledges from them that can be further on corroborated by real evidences. It all begins with and through the 'doggone' sleep paralysis.

Lemme gIve you an example of encounter with deceased people:

My aunt Dedé was one of the most contradictory religious person i've ever met. Although having an orthodox christian background to shame the Pope and being sternly dedicated in pursuing 'moral values' she owned a high degree of sensitivity that allowed her see spirits. I still ignore how she could handle this situation. How she could apease the conflict. You know orthodox christianity simply abhors spiritism (supposed communications with the souls who passed on).
This aunt would take spiritual counsells on the spiritual life from a Franciscan priest. I once met him personally. He lived in the monastery and my aunt would see him routinely. I was introduced to him as she left the consultant room on a certain occasion. It's been a long time now. Then as she went on taking me along with her to see the priest i began to like his humble manners. I saw goodness in that monk. Somehow i got connected through invisible links to that priest and realized why my aunt trusted him so much. Funny that i was not that catholic at that time. Or a rotten catholic.
Well my aunt died in 2011. Her counsellor priest preceded her upon the other dimensions. He died 10 years prior to my aunt's death. 5 years after the psychologist priest death he came over to pay me a 'visit'.
I remember pretty well. It is as if it had happened yesterday. I was in sleep paralysis and could see with my eyes closed. I could perfectly well see and sense the priest sitting on my bedside wearing his typical franciscan garments, the smell of fresh roses just collected. And the priest kept on talking to me overnight. Like a balad.His presence was concrete consistent. The priest had physicality one could not tell if he was alive or dead. My head was spinning round i was freaked out while it happened i realized he was alive.In fact it did not bother me the issue at the moment. He would give me advice on the problems i had been through at that occasion. He was coaching me THE NIGHT AWAY! At dawn by 5 am, i woke up 'to my greatest amazement' the monk was no longer there. While it happened i could give my right arm he was alive.
While the coaching session lasted over the time span of 4 hours i was admonished and received spiritual advice from a 'dead' priest. WTF (What Terrific Fun time) just stressing the weirdness of the situation. That led me to think the priest was making a point, a remark: 'I am not dead, I am different'. Holy smokes!
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Perhaps it might help someone.

During sleep paralysis we may have a feeling that the bed is vibrating as if a cell phone. Sleep paralysis is the sign yhat the etheric body is really bound to leave and it is out of coincidence but still clung to the physical body and then one starts to perceive noises that can seem incredibly loud which terrorizes the novice. No matter how loud the noises appear to be, there is no record indicating that someone has exploded. The hissing only shows that energy is being released and time is approaching to attempt a complete separation. But while vibrations are on it is definitely not advisable to try a separation. Let the vibrations calm down and the noises stop and then you may try rotation, sinking the twinbody down the bed, wiggering missing limbs which we call salvaging missing limbs and so on. Now you know that sleep paralysis is voluntarily induced. Practitioners learned how to use sleep paralysis into projecting the energy body out of yhe physical body. Get familiar to the noises to the vibrational states to a myriad of other frightening things and you will succeed into out of the body experiences also called astral projection.
I only posted what I did...long after the incident occurred with myself, it
happened only once to me. What I left out was...It also happened to several witnesses while
in my home,sometimes in the exact same room. Room mates, their dates, even some of their family members
when they let their parent(s) stay overnight in their rented space and they would sleep on the couch.

As far as my personally being called out as a nut...It doesn't bother me in the least,
I know what happened and brought in the investigative resources inc. scientifics.
They along with several witnessed events by others at-the-time, people whom were not
told about prior events...came out with the same, exacting stories and experiences.
Some evidence was found and some instances were just called un-explainable.

This had to be proven to me as well, I am a sceptic and exhausted every question
I personally had by bringing in outside resources...I even questioned my own sanity.

I understand what sleep paralysis is. It doesn't usually destroy objects or equipment brought
in by PIT(s), and create what one witness called 'other worldly' events.
I purposely left out details for a reason, things I never told..but I kept notes and when they started to
match the investigation details and witness events then, I handed over my notes to the respective
resources...This was all done under the table and I asked for confidentiality.

Believe this or simply don't, I am certainly not sad I have no evidence to show right here/now.

I am replying to a question presented by the op. as honestly as is accepted.

It's really okay to not believe a word of it.
I am just telling some of my personal stories here on a site
as nothing more than an anonymous.
I am certainly not un-used to everything that it involves.

I know Humility well.;)
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Your dog may biting on the leash.This usually occurs when our dog sees a person, squirrel, cat, or some other trigger. Instinctually, he wants to chase the squirrel and cat, or interact with the person. When our dog is prevented from chasing, all that excited energy must still go somewhere, so it may get .redirected onto the leash. The meaning from the message is evident: your desire is projecting ourself out of your physical body to be blessed with incredible amazing experiences (just like the dog wanting to chase bunnies on the park) terrified by sleep paralysis uou forget to prevent your dog to bite or pull on the leash by simply releasing the leash and allowing your dog to have fun at the park which sleep paralysis looks like. You have experienced it. Sleep paralysis is known to be a traumatic night event (it may also happen during the day). as we understand that sleep paralysis is by large considered to be the holy grail to obe practitioners obe (out of body experience). So sleep paralysis can be a blessing rather than a curse. Anyone producing a lot of unvoluntary sleep paralysis phenomena is manifesting an inborn ability into out of the body experience and is addresed to trick his body into falling asleep to quickly start having lots of obes (out of body experiences) without using any visualizations.How to convert a sleep paralysis into an obe?
You may try on movement free techniques to separate from your physical body entering into the non physical version of your bedroom.
Once you are in an sleep paralysis you will use exit techniques. There are some basic problems you need to solve. First you cannot tell your phtsical body from you non physical body because they are overlayed, they are stuck together, it is hard to exit sleep paralysis returning to the physical awareness obviously because you are paralysed.
Movement free techniques to release sleep paralysis:
-By entering an obe
-Returning to the physical body by the open mouth awareness (even in sleep paralysis you still have control of your mouth). Through awareness of the mouth you may let go of paralysis.
-use the gravity press exit. The problem in sinking into the bed is producing dark obes (what might have happened to you)
-use salvaging partial exits. (For instance you could project yout torso and is now sitting on your bed) now you use limb creation wiggering new set of hips and legs to help you out sleep paralysis intothe non physical version of your bedroom.
Anyway just remember to remain calm and not lose emotional control. It is not a matter of willpower to set oneself free off sleep paralysis. It is a matter of intelligence and tact.
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hmmmm own exprience times Like 2 Years go.time periodi of 2 Month i get paralylisez Like once a week.nothing like my soul is leaving but my body freezes and cant even look around.and if could look dont think i want to look anyway.cos the presence of evil was so clear.huh!and sorry my bad english.but after that period nuthing happens after
Yes. Well first i wanna make clear that i am not a lecturer on the matter. I m not a pro. I do not make money out of this. But i m moved by curiosity. And when i started to feel myself completely paralysed grabbed by 'evilish forces'-otherwise how you will be able to explain-to express the gnawing terrible sensation of impotence, being tied to your motionless body which is still like a corpse while 'hostile invisible forces' are out there to 'take over your mind' and 'send you to hell'? Then i began to set out a journey myself into knowing what sleep paralysis was all about. Through 'trashy' psychology i knew a fertile imagination has a funny way into acting out the role of a saccharine terror play. I do not rule out the possibility of the existence of evil in the world. But let us not make the 'Mr Devil himself' accountable for everything unpleasant we go through cause ot is not fair. The fact is we create our own reality with the thoughts we have. So it is a self fulfilling issue. In this particular aspect the new age positive thinking is right. We do create our own reality. We cannot underestimate the notorious important role our religious education plays into imposing strict moral codes conducive to turning a free man into a sheep. They overcharge and burden the naive neophyte with capital sins and other trash. Of course i advocate a moral code product of true understanding and not an imposition. Besides religious victims are taught to believe one should never deviate from the 'right path' proposed by religionists taking the Bible for granted. If you really wish to delve into this new reality, to venture into other domains of reality, into other dimensions you will have to have your old beliefs changed. They will abort all your attempts into projecting out of the body. The voice inside your head corroborated by what you were taught to believe, the voice will bang into your head 'this is insane, devil will take you, the Bible in chapter so and so abhors spiritism and so on. If you do not feel yourself psychologically ready into the paranormal world just quit. Or search for psychotherapy first.
Anyway no matter which your take is on the subject out of the body experience, the phase, lucid dreaming or whatever name you like to call it is completely innocuous from the health point of view. However although the effects cannot be measurable at the moment we are led to believe through self experience that it is a cheap effective type of psychotherapy. The importance as a therapy relies in acting out into consciously experimenting with hidden hideous traumas of the unconscious mind releasing conflict.
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