Spi-Balls and Psychokinesis


New Member
Hello guys, I really like this forum because you can discuss about everything without being stamped as a Psycho :D
So because of this I want your opinion of the topic Psychokinesis and Psi-Balls.
All over the internet you find several instructions for doing such a thing like this.
The most common Sub-Ability of Psychokinesis is Telekinesis, almost everybody has heard of it. Then there are Cryo- and Pyrokinesis, which is harder to learn if you believe the instructions. These two need Psi-Balls in the most instructions. According to the internet Psi-Balls can do anything you want if you program them the right way.

Now I want your opinion of these topics.

Do you think this works?
Have you ever made such things by yourself?
Have you ever seen something like this?
If you did, how did you do?

Can you tell us more about those devices please? :)
If you mean the Psi-Balls, they aren't devices ;)

You create them during the Psychokinesis and store the energy you collect in this Balls. You program them not like a computer, you do this with your thoughts.

Examples for programming are:

- The ball will freeze anything it hits
- Take a picture of a random position and send it to your mind [emoji16]

These are just a few examples and all of this information is from the internet and i have no proof if it's right.

Feel free to ask more questions I try to explain them if I can with my knowledge of the topic.

So because of this I want your opinion of the topic Psychokinesis and Psi-Balls.

Do you think this works?
Have you ever made such things by yourself?
Have you ever seen something like this?
If you did, how did you do?

Hi uri09 , about 30 years ago when I was still a child (more or less about 10 years of age) I did Psychokinesis and yes it worked . That time David Copperfield (google it) blew my mind as a child (levitating across the Grand Canyon) . So I , as a child ; thought if he could levitate it must be possible to lift small objects by the power of concentration (by that age I already learned meditation).

I've managed to move and levitate a cold-drink (Coke) cap by the power of my mind .
Firstly you MUST believe , then follows extreme focused concentration .

A useful exercise might be to increase your brain power gradually . For example from 20% to (maybe) 45% ?
