Star Trek and the Paranormal.... I smile.


New Member
Star Trek and the Paranormal.... I smile.

Hi. I'm insane. And I'm a Trekkie, paranormal addict, UFO watcher, wannabe comic artist, music lover, and bajillions of other things.
I found this site, and my mind went, 'you belong, moronnnnn! you belooongggg.......' Now, normally, I don't listen to the voices in my head. They're crazy. But, I knew they were right. I've been obsessed with anything and everything paranormal since I was 2, and needed a way to express that without everyone thinking I was a crazy. It's been established that they all know it now, but that's besides the point.
So.... This place is AWESOME! Everything is right there, including people I can share stuff with and not be ridiculed by! sniff.. Happythoughts.


Junior Member
Re: Star Trek and the Paranormal.... I smile.

Ahoy there! and welcome to heaven ;)

Since you're a trekkie im sure you will suit in fine in the time traveler forum... I did :)

TNG is and will continue to be my favorite serie of them all :hug:


New Member
Re: Star Trek and the Paranormal.... I smile.

Yeah... I'll have to agree that TNG is the best. The best movie, in my opinion, is First contact.
