TDOS POSTS Hello 2013 (Time Traveler from 2043)


Active Member
Sorry about the late reply to this, I have been bogged with assignments, my internet keeps playing up, and my laptop refused to boot recently.

The source code here might be helpful.
TrueCrypt - Downloads - Page 2

Thanks, I'll have to re-download truecrypt, I will have a go implementing that in TDOS, it seems alright. One thing I noticed though is that every time I attempt to harden my host OS it strangly keeps malfuntioning. I know there is no issue with my drives, as they are in perfect health and the ones I use are brand new. Also, I can re-install perfectly. The last time it happened, (a few weeks back) the OS refused to boot, I ended up booting into the recovery environment, and WOW it worked, I ended up doing a bit of investigating and found the graphics were at fault, but when I digged deeper I found the problem was actually that some of the critical files relating to it had been deleted. Then again, when I checked with a rootkit scanner I found a false positive of sukkit rootkit, perhaps not one after all, perhaps it was NSA involvement that keeps doing this?

Stranger things happen though, a while back around the time Ubuntu started getting it's "Lenses" I was getting snail rate Internet, and I found out it was uploading something, I did a bit of searching and found that something was being sent, to CANONICAL? I turn the computer off and on 3 times, still doing it. I ended up patching all their IP's before they screwed my computer and they haven't done that since, but started the graphics "Issue", which started about a week later and has occured on ~3 completely different laptops.


I thought of more features for the OS.

11.) In the event of an intrusion, the OS must be able to trace the Hacking Computer's IP Address.

NSA style approach, but without the authority, this would give me information that would be important to find out who did the hack, also so the system can determine if I am simply connecting with new hardware.

12.) The system Must be able to upload a virus to a hackers computer, if need be destroy it. Must also be able to prevent return of such virus and only ever allow it to be used on itself in either critical breach or owner initiated self-destruct.

At the moment I am trying to get my hands on a Platform independent Virus for the OS, which follows on from the above point, but if a serious intrusion is detected, the system then attacks the hacker's computer with the virus which will literally destroy it with an explosion. Any non-serious attempts might simply make the computer not work, but that really just depends how paranoid I am by the time I implement it. The Virus will also be used as a last resort for the OS itself. The OS would wipe all the systems storage, including most of the ram, in which the virus would upload itself to the remaining ram and then make the computer self-destruct, again literally. I am tossing up whether to make it affect any hardware the computer is connected to. The system would create the self destruct during critical breaches, not the hacker, but it would send a copy to the hacker as well.

I have got 8 and 4 implemented at the moment, currently working on getting XEN to work in a CHROOT environment.


Active Member
I have been inactive for a while now. Regarding TDOS, I'm not sure if even TDOS would be secure enough. BadBios would be able to penetrate it nonetheless. If you create virus I suggest that it would target subOS such as REX OS. Invisible but efficient.

badBIOS analysis of Weapons grade Malware

The secret second operating system that could make every mobile phone insecure | ExtremeTech

Interesting, surprisingly I have heard of neither of those. I guess it should work similar to how Orpheus Rex suggested. Basically a smaller virus designed to punch a hole into the system like badBIOS, so the payload of doom could arrive. Either way both of these Viruses/Malware will be an interesting way of counter-hacking. Speaking of Viruses, I actually found ~12 backdoors on my tablet before I replaced the Rom. Reflashing also removed mobiletracker2.

In terms of badBIOS, it appears that prevention is the best method, rather than the cure. In the mean time, if the OS can be modified in such a way to not allow any form of air-gap comms, nor allowing files to be executed or moved of a USB, then in theory badBIOS should fail. Obviously this doesn't mean that will work, nor does that mean I don't need further preventive measures, it mearly means its a start. Furthermore the system will need to Whitelisted so only approved programs can be allowed. This would affect memory, GPU, CPU, ect, and system access to the BIOS would be removed. (To the max extent) Unnecessary drivers will be removed. Also considering the NSA and spying, I removed SELinux from TDOS's Kernel, not taking any chances. (Speaking of which I still need to test that Kernel)

I guess I'll get an attempt securing that deep, after all I am still learning how to program. (Currently Learning C)


My current work on the OS consists of implementing TOR as a system wide proxy and securing AppArmor. I have got a primitive website running in the OS's localhost, and have mixed around some app's default folders by making some new ones in the / directory.
I'll do some research on how to implement the security protocols discussed here, then implement them asap.


And then it occurs to me, zero work has put into anything other than simply securing the OS. A sign of whats to come?
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Orpheus Rex

Z or C? Don't know if anyone else would get that...

Are you referring to the catalyst?
Negative mass isn't the same as negative energy.
Negative energy is required to create a closed timelike curve.

...Element C, Calypsite, could cause negative energy to be easily acquired. It may occur naturally, but it can be manufactured. The atom is made by electrons, protons, and neutrons. It is these three components that you use to identify, label, and compose the periodic table. However, what if the nature of the sub atomic particles could be changed on the quark level? You could potentially have something that would be identified as a certain element due to it's structure, but have it possess distinct atypical properties. This could create alternative periodic tables...

The LHC Has Found a New Particle Unlike Any Other Form of Matter


Active Member
Z or C? Don't know if anyone else would get that...

Are you referring to the catalyst?
Negative mass isn't the same as negative energy.
Negative energy is required to create a closed timelike curve.

...Element C, Calypsitevirtualization negative energy to be easily acquired. It may occur naturally, but it can be manufactured. The atom is made by electrons, protons, and neutrons. It is these three components that you use to identify, label, and compose the periodic table. However, what if the nature of the sub atomic particles could be changed on the quark level? You could potentially have something that would be identified as a certain element due to it's structure, but have it possess distinct atypical properties. This could create alternative periodic tables...

The LHC Has Found a New Particle Unlike Any Other Form of Matter

Good find, I haven't really had a look for anything related to time travel for the last few days. Although I remember Aevi saying something similar in our PM's, something about it making time travel ridiculously easy.


Trying to track down some hardware for TDOS, I need to find some hardware to run the virtualisation requirement. It seems like most of my hardware is too old or the manufacturer disabled the feature. I believe the function was AMD-V and INTEL-VT for their respected manufacturers.


Trying to track down some hardware for TDOS, I need to find some hardware to run the virtualisation requirement. It seems like most of my hardware is too old or the manufacturer disabled the feature. I believe the function was AMD-V and INTEL-VT for their respected manufacturers.

I know DOS. What's TDOS?

Orpheus Rex

I believe the term refers to Timetravel Device OS. Or something like that. Paradox here is attempting to build one from a linux shell or whatnot.


Active Member
Trying to track down some hardware for TDOS, I need to find some hardware to run the virtualisation requirement. It seems like most of my hardware is too old or the manufacturer disabled the feature. I believe the function was AMD-V and INTEL-VT for their respected manufacturers.

I know DOS. What's TDOS?

Time Debugger OS, aka TDOS is the OS I've been working on that will form the basis for the software side of the time machine I hope to build. So far its design consists of a dual OS operating under a hypervisor. Its still a WIP, but its getting there. The inclusion of the term DOS was unintended, but after I realised I thought it was quite fitting.

After I finish TDOS 1.0, I'll redo the singular OS structures, with a sort of Micro-System structure. (Like a Micro-Kernel sort of format.) As such I might release the first edition when Its at a beta-alpha stage, but the system might take years to get it to the stage that will probably be ready to travel through time, excluding writing the singularity control system. (By Beta-alpha I mean that the system is a beta quality and the additional, custom software is alpha quality.)

I found a laptop with the feature I needed, my current work is on the hypervisor and fixing an install issue on the User OS. So far I have only been working on the system side of things, with the exception of a MD5SUM scanner.

I believe the term refers to Timetravel Device OS. Or something like that. Paradox here is attempting to build one from a linux shell or whatnot.

Yes it was a Linux bash environment with a series of programs.
