The benefits of Industrial Hemp

Max X

Junior Member
The benefits of industrial hemp are numerous and yet while in Canada it is legal to grow industrial hemp it is illegal in the USA to grow the plant.

It is also interesting to know, according to Dianne Robbins books, the fact that industrial hemp is grown in both the Inner Earth and in Telos under Mount Shasta.

See these three great videos about the subject:

Benefits of Industrial Hemp | Thrive


I believe Industrial, Medicinal and Recreational Hemp should all be legalized. Legalizing Industrial Hemp should be a priority. It has a multitude of very practical applications and would be a great addition to our economy. It grows anywhere and would be a valuable renewable resource.


The poor cannabis plant. Demonized by the paper industry to ensure their ability to rape our lands.

I grew up in Upstate New York and the Forrest's are only a hundred years old but very lush. The entire eastern seaboard was 400 year old forests before the white man came and clear cut pretty much everything but I digress.

Hemp is an amazing weed and grows anywhere. It's sad really that we have resources to to fix problems but not the strength and moral fabric to do so.
