The "Central Timeline"


Active Member
The other interesting thing I noted was the populace, the other nation's populations in that timeline stuck to their own nations, as there was no reason for them to leave, and no reason for a country to accept them. There was no world wars, and the government was more open with controversial matters.

I assume also there is little or no crime ... ?

For a civilisation to be peaceful and crime-free ; the members of that civilization are "pure" or very-near . With advanced psychic ability's .

My counterpart did have a fairly advanced psychic compared to my abilities albeit more intermittent. (He sometimes used telekinesis when he was bored, for instance on a leaf in a bed store, but was not able to do it for long as his abilities tired.) I'm not sure about the rate of crime but it was something I didn't ever hear about or see in those dreams. If there were crimes committed one could assume it would be microscopic compared to our timeline's crime rate. I also never felt in danger from any of the people I saw, unlike on this timeline. The population seemed to be somewhat smaller than this timeline however. (But then again it is hard to tell an entire population based on a recording, so I imagine the same might apply to dreams.)

I never saw any run down buildings either, with the exception of some of the older ones, but they were only really run down from their age and even then they were not particularly in that bad of a shape either. In fact on that topic, a lot of the manufacturing was done close to the cities, and a huge factory could be seen close to one of the train stations. (I think the specific station was one of the ones near it's Paramatta.)

The other interesting thing I noted was the populace, the other nation's populations in that timeline stuck to their own nations, as there was no reason for them to leave, and no reason for a country to accept them. There was no world wars, and the government was more open with controversial matters.

I assume also there is little or no crime ... ?

For a civilisation to be peaceful and crime-free ; the members of that civilization are "pure" or very-near . With advanced psychic ability's .
Actually that gives us little hope for our civilisation :(

Exactly, just look at our world leaders, they want to commit White Genocide, and if your Leaders want you dead then you know society is doomed. On the topic of doomed societies and alternate timelines, I imagine that it would be possible for my counterpart to see this timeline, and I can only imagine how much of a nightmare it would seem like to him. It will be even worse when our world goes back to war. :eek:
