The Guilty Thread


Active Member
The Guilty Thread

I'm bored and this just popped into my head.

Lets all say something we feel guilty about, but enjoyed, whether we did them once or do them occasionally.

I just ate a whole box of girl guide cookies, and I feel great.

I guess its the things that make you feel so guilty that give you the most pleasure.
Re: The Guilty Thread

I sometimes steal change from my brother's change cup to buy candy. Milky Ways never tasted so good.

Re: The Guilty Thread

Well, I enjoy being lazy, even if I know it's not good at all, is that ok ? lol

Re: The Guilty Thread

Being lazy is awesome sometimes. Sometimes I have so much energy, I can't be lazy.

But somedays I'm really freakin lazy, like today. Hence the sitting on the computer eating copious amounts of girlguide cookies and milk.

Reading the Enquirer is my guilty pleasure :3
Re: The Guilty Thread

These cookies will be the end of me...

I've been steadily loosing weight all week cus of my new job, and now I've got the weekend to ruin it.

Guilty Pleasure #3 Watching The Sopranos... or any italian mafia movies. Like Goodfellas :)
Re: The Guilty Thread

Kicking my brother's ass at Smash Brothers on the N64. I pretend to be a good sport about it but inside I'm laughing my ass off.
Re: The Guilty Thread

If playing Nintendo, computer, and being lazy were sports, I could be an athlete for sure. hehe
Re: The Guilty Thread

WhiteLight said:
If being sarcastic were a sport, I'd be a gold medal winner.
lol I'm not that good in my "sports" It could be worst, some people don't have a job, live in their parents basement, and play Nintendo all day :eek: (at 30 years old hehe)
