The movie 'Triangle'


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this awesome forum and first time posting here. So apologies if this question isn't posted in the right place.

I assume some of you time travel addicts have watched his awesome flick 'Triangle' a 2009 Christopher Smith movie. I love this movie and I have watched it several times. But each it leaves more questions in me than answers. I have read various logical explanations on this movie on several websites and none of them is satisfying. Can someone please try and explain what exactly is going on this movie ? How are the loops working ??


Hi and welcome. :)

I didn't see the movie, so I'll let others explain in details.

Enjoy your stay!


Senior Member
Hi again :)
Thanks for bringing to my attention the movie Triangle..

I try to watch many time-travel movies as is possible and this one is now on my Ebay list to purchase..:D
Every time-travel movie has elements of the truth within them...the writers have obviously obtained information that is not available on main stream knowledge..

For example the acronym TARDIS, was coined by a writer back in the 1950s when time-travel knowledge was very much in its infancy for the general population..:)
The Flux Capacitor is another..When we refer to the word Flux, this can be seen as a way of describing the "Time Flux Energy", which is popular with physicists...A Capacitor draws in energy and discharges it...So we see a capacitor that can draw in and discharge "time-waves", as time has its own form of energy :)

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I have seen the series several times and it's intriguing. In the old days we ever discussed it in a time travel chat. A member I no longer see active "Sam" even shared some of her experiences and knowledge with parallel timelines and John Titor's "Experiment"
