Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment


New Member
That's a very valid point. Don't you think it could just be the people? The inherit lazy-ness of our society. That's my view anyway, not enough people want to work t'words answers or discoveries in science. But back to the randomness topic, isn't randomness and guessing the whole theory behind the large hadron collider? It's contributions and discoveries may be, in the grand scale, a small thing but it is advancement of some kind is it not?


Temporal Engineer
The whole thing about the LHC, is that it is a story being told. We are being led to believe that the path to the future is through theory. And then we are told things that no one would ever be able to verify. That seems to be a commonality in a lot of things we are told. Without verification, it becomes a game of belief. Apparently this seems to pacify lots of people. Just believe. Of course I pay attention. All it takes is one slip up, and the promulgators of the beliefs start to look like liars. How many times has it been demonstrated that our government lies to us? Do other governments also lie? I have to say, is the LHC just a big contrivance just to keep the truth hidden? When you open your eyes and take a closer look, things start to look differently.

My Dad once told me, "Don't believe anything you read, and only about half of what you see." At the time I thought he was kidding. Now being older and wiser, I realize he was telling the truth.


Time Travel Professor
Sorry Axion, "Debunking the Philadelphia Experiment", was a bad subject to
debunk here. I first know about it in 1956 and the information came from Navy
wife's talking about it. No Debunking needed here, subject was very real and
also the good men that were killed.
