The true equation that will crack time travel someday.


New Member
Well you can believe what you want. But it’s not true. I’m good friends with tobar and he will gladly explain it to you.
This is implying that we cannot bend space time which I do believe is possible which means my belief could still have some validation.


Senior Member
Please note this article just explains that there would be a possible way. It did not say that a full on machine has been built. I understand this article is old. But I wanted to share it. Germain Tobar is a good friend of mine. We chat through email often. Tobar has came up with math that could make it possible someday. time has no beginning and no end. Time just exists
Maths might explain Time-Travel, but its engineers that create and put the whole Time-Machine together...It could be said the Delta Time Generator on Paranormalis, is a Time Travel Primer ;) :cool:
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Senior Member
Well you can believe what you want. But it’s not true. I’m good friends with tobar and he will gladly explain it to you.
No reason to say it's not true.
Your friend can only explain how one kind of solution allows for no paradoxes in interconnected regions of space (but not outside of those regions.)

It's just math. It's not necessarily reality. There are other solutions that come from similar initial conditions that still predict paradoxes..



Active Member
True. And tobar has the only real solution, although it’s just a solution. And no time machine has been built yet. At least tobar has shown a way of it being possible someday.

What do you think of that ? Time travel need to put earth in the right place of your time destination. Eat somes spinash, go to iss and try to move earth by placing it at the right place, because earth move in space, with the solar system. You just need to put the solar system at an ancient place he was in the galaxy, and you back in time, it is so easy. If you go back to the future, you must shoot the sun with your knee to put it in a future place in the galaxy, easy has hell.
