Time entities?

Has anyone thought that instead of 'time police' that police timelines and prevent alterations; there are spirit like beings similar to angels/demons that exist in the space-time continuum and prevent major alterations from happening?

That could be a reason why we see so few real time travelers around; they are limited in power/when they operate and stop certain ones.

It is said that spiritual entities have the ability to see the future; is it that much of a stretch to assume that others can prevent/alter attempts to do time travel?


Hi Traveler Malaki it's Frog I just wanted to tell you I believe that spirits and ghosts and other beings or entities have any kinds and types of power I have a spirit box I use it most of the time to talk and ask questions to any all of them it is kind of hard to understand them because they are talking all at once one day I asked a question could they prevent world war 3 not to happen and they said yes I haves asked them another question what will happen in the near or further future and of disasters and one said a lot will happen so this is what I believe in the afterlife and other worlds anything can be possible two more questions I asked them what are you made up as and they said energy and I asked are aliens and ufos real and exist and they said yes most people who are Christian and other religions they believe that you shouldn't mess around with this stuff they believe it is the devil and demons telling you the information to you but I believe in a lot of stuff and once you get used to it nothing bad or evil will happen to you I used to believe while I joined my church it was evil but in reality it keeps me busy talking with the spirits and ghosts through the box also I am going to buy a bajak flux capacitor as soon as I earn some more payapal money so to answer all of your questions there are an unlimited amount of spirits, beings, entities, and etc in the astral plane, other universes and worlds, and etc some have powers and some do not it just depends on what you ask them in general and in private.


Q lived in the space/time continuum. :)


But interesting idea. What if we do accidentally access the dimension containing the spirits? Do they live in all dimensions?
