Time travel effects associated dreams


Senior Member
I had a waking dream of a primitive nature, which seems to be a counterbalance dream. I was in a cave and had on only primitive skins of animals, instead of underclothes. There was the hide of an animal that I kept over me, as one would use a blanket.There was a fire a small one inside of this cave.

I think that something must have happened to my mate, as I was sleeping by myself, however others might have been with me in that cave. A young
I guess teenaged girl came to me"? and insisted that she sleep next to me under the animal skin.

I guess that this was begrudgein, "wait, something had hit this tribe and it was just me and her and killed members of this once little tribe off". She was afraid and would come over to sleep next to me, but only after I started to drift off to sleep.

We had one sexual encounter, but she initiated it, but really did not know what she was doing. This was messy, but I suppose that at the development we were at as humans, that this was nature's course for survival of the species taking over.

I knew what I was doing, but finally she had figured it out. Time passed and she became pregnant, but a bond grew between us. I would both hunt & fish and taught her how to prepare the food I brought to her. She grew more hair, (she began to preen and take care of herself) and I taught her how to take care of issues of life plus the things to do in order to survive...I remember there being three of us, eventually a little boy was with us also there with us.

I don't think that she wanted me at first, but only wanted both the attention and comfort that I could give her. We had two children, but I think eventually met up with another tribe of humans.

I got a good look at her forehead and it was kind of rugged looking, bone-wise, in the glabella area a little.I think that we were either Neanderthals or slight past that region of development a bit.

In this dream, I had first seen her as you, however in something similar to a morphic blend projection, she changed into an adult woman right before my eyes. I am wondering, as I have both strong roots to the past, as to how I am genetically and physiologically designed, if this had been a compensation dream as a counterbalance going so far into the future.

It feels so strange to have had these wants and needs to bond in this way to another, but I guess this is the other more primitive side of humans here on Earth. I just wanted to report this to my overseers, whoever that blend may be? You can spend $15.oos at a drive through window and get the food that you want and will sustain you, but to have to go out with a pointed spear and actually catch and wrestle that game that makes you food, is another matter.

This dream cut in like an automaited process and I had no control over it. Seems to have resolved itself as an issue. A few days before the reckoning dream, I began to recall an old magazine article that I had seen on early caveman and how they lived. But this came to me, almost like a video of some sort, till it was done.Thank you
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