To all ROMANIANS – Catre toti ROMANII

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Active Member
Oriunde va aflati in diaspora, puteti semnna petitia de suspendare a presedintelui tradator aici:
Wherever you are abroad, you can sign the petition for suspending the traitor president here:

Many people may ask why on earth we took down the prime minister …
Well, to have a wide picture of what type of person he is:
He was arrested in the U.S. (Iowa) for driving while having the alcohol concentration in blood several times greater than the legal limit and he was incarcerated for 2 days, having a criminal record set.
Among many other dark spots, in our legislation this is called “high incompatibility” with the position of prime minister. Luckily, clever people tracked all this and brought it to the public by the only TV station in the country that refuses to be servants of the devils. Clearly, such a clown can only surround himself by others of the same sort … and that was exactly what he did with the entire government, practically offering bribes and huge personal benefits to them just to have their support – so, those had to go down as well … and we took them down, just as we promised. We also promised that next on our list is the president, who is involved in much, much darker dirty businesses, one of them being children traffic. After he will be removed from office, I am almost 100% sure that the devils who placed him there, will try to execute him themselves, just to keep him quiet and them safe … I honestly don’t think their plan will work this way. They were warned numerous times “don’t fuck with Romanians”, but they thought it was a joke. Now the time has come for us to ask those devils: HOW SAFE DO YOU FEEL ?? … HOW SOFT DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT ??
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