trump never build a physical "majestic steel carved wall to keep out starving people fleeing from war torn countries to liberty, its in ourheartsfolks


Active Member
They do most of the jobs we do not want to do and as a result create much more but we ungrateful savages say they are stealing our jobs that we would not do anyways.
How dare we keep the status qou third world countries while ranting about our "jobs being stolen" by "rapists" and never take a little bit of money from the top one percent and corporations, only a fraction, and just be lazy and do whatever we want. We are america! We are liberty, We are justice ... poverty = crime and "justice" means plutocracy and revenge "criminal system" "two wrongs don't make a right" that does not even apply as a law because we are drowning in evidence that we are a plutocracy and the clause in the consitution is that equals all "laws" invalid and we can rebel and so on, but we wisper it, we are america, where everybody is happy and nobody fights over silly illogical thinks. Our economy was build off liberty, a well the backs of slaves, keep it quite or we will descrimination you, we are america, where we are homophobic and racist, god bless america, our god is great, we are awesome! We elected old white people do vote against our own interests and we don't think we know it, yes, we are america, oh great folk song. ha
