UFO Experiences?


Have you had any strange experiences of seeing a UFO or a flying saucer in the sky before?

I have, here's what happened:

In October 2011, I was waiting for my bus outside on the porch, and it was pitch black outside. I looked up at what was a star, and I noticed something odd about it. It was flickering red and blue for some reason (please correct me if stars or planets normally do this, because I haven't seen that happening in the sky before) and wondered about it for a while.

In March 2012, I was hanging out with a friend in my front yard when I noticed a white flying saucer maybe 100 feet above us, flying somewhat quickly. He noticed It first before I did, and was amazed by it since this was my first time actually seeing one in the middle of the day! I ran inside to get my Nintendo 3DS to get a video recording of it, but by the time I got out there, it was gone.

In April 2012, while I was on the bus back home, I noticed this grey jet plane that flew about 50 feet above the bus, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it.

Most recently, in November 2014, I saw that same flickering object from my first experience in a different spot of the sky. My friend sitting by me says has seen it too, but doesn't know what it is.


Active Member
Stars can appear to change colors because variations in air density in the upper atmosphere can change the amount that light is refracted. Different colors are refracted at different angles, so only some of the colors reach your eyes.

The other experiences aren't so easily explained away. Can't say I've seen any UFOs.


Stars can appear to change colors because variations in air density in the upper atmosphere can change the amount that light is refracted. Different colors are refracted at different angles, so only some of the colors reach your eyes.

The other experiences aren't so easily explained away. Can't say I've seen any UFOs.

Thanks for the clarification.


Senior Member
Welp, it is Story time with Blast!

I am glad you made this actually, as of the last 5 or so months i have seen more UFO's then i have ever seen in my whole life and luckily i have had witness's for all but one of them!

The first one of these sitings i was having a small fire at my house, there was 3 of us me included and it was about 11pm maybe a bit later and we were standing in the driveway and my friend notices this bright light in the distance so we all go and look at it and this light appears to be stationary, you could see it perfectly between 2 branches in a tree so if it was moving the branches would of obstructed the object as it moved closed, but it isn't moving just this bright white light, and as we are sitting there looking at it suddenly this light starts to come at us, and it is moving at a good speed as it gets over heard we can see a row of 6 other lights and this thing made NO noise as it passed over head, it took only about 30 seconds to go out of sight and it was just above the tree line.

The next would be about 2 months later, i was at a friends house for a Fire and we finally started to calm down around 3am and suddenly he looks at me and goes what the f*** was that?? so i look at him and ask what he was talking about?? He said there was this bright light that suddenly appeared then disappeared, like a bright flash! And sure enough as soon as he said that it happened again! This bright flash of light in the sky, we sat and watched these flashes for a good 10 minutes, finally they seemed to of stopped so i decided it was late and time to go home. Now i typically take the back roads home as i like the long slow quiet drive of the country and i know this road like the back of my hand, i get about half way home when i suddenly look into my rear view mirror and the whole road and my car is lit up in this bright white light, i didn't think too much of it at the time but what i found odd was this light moved with me, it didn't move around or bounce when i hit a bump it was if i was being spot lighted from above my car, and as i sit and look at this light in my rear view it just vanishes, poof, gone no sight of it what so ever.

Now this is a Dark back country road, houses are few and far in-between and the ditches are too narrow to be a 4 wheeler or anything else, still bugs the hell out of me.

And the last one - i was out at a friends house and i brought out my telescope, we were sitting around just looking at the sky with it, it was a nice calm night and we had a good group of 5 or so people out and as we were looking around we notice this bright flickering multi colored light in the distance, so being curious we aim my telescope at it. Now i have a laser sight on my telescope that gets you pretty darn close to what ever you are aiming at, and as we aim it at this object my friend is looking through the scope and says he does not see anything, so we move it around and i verify i am directly on the object but nothing was visible through my telescope, now being as close as it seemed we should of seen it easily if nothing else than a large blob, but we seen nothing, we all verified that we could not see the object through the telescope but we could see it with our eyes, and as we are sitting there a few of the people start to get panicky, and afraid, and as we are talking about it, this object jets across the sky and off into the distance right in-front of us, it was gone as quickly as it showed.


New Member
I posted this in my welcome thread.

My experience was around November 2011. I was taking my dog out for his nightly walk. I stepped out onto the porch and saw a plane flying off in the distance. I'm an aviation buff and when I see a plane I'll wonder which airline, type, where they are going, and where they are from. I also saw three planets in the sky over my head but slightly to the right of me. They were in a triangular formation and then, I realized, these weren't planets, no where they stars because they were much larger--like a planet--and they also weren't planes. I had my reference point, the plane I saw almost straight ahead above the horizon, and another plane further to the right, almost 90 degrees to my right, at around the same relative altitude to get first. These three lights were NOT planes, nor were they planets. One was about 20 degrees in front of me, one almost directly over me, and the other to the right of both of them. A nearly perfect triangle.

I had left my phone on the counter in my apartment. I watched the sky for about 30 to 45 seconds, to make sure what I was seeing was what I was seeing. I watched the plane in front of me flash it's lights and move across the horizon. I then watched the other plane do the same. I made sure it wasn't just three planes. I saw stars, much much fainter than the two planes and even more faint than the three other lights. I watched, collected mental notes, made sure that I wasn't just seeing what I wanted to see.

After watching for almost a minute, I went inside to grab my phone. I nearly tripped over myself while running. My girlfriend was on the couch asking what was wrong and I tried to tell her but I was too focused on my phone. I grabbed it, ran back outside in 10 seconds flat, and to my dismay, the lights were gone. Typical UFO sighting story, no photographic or video evidence. I searched the sky and turned around. I located the lights behind me, still looking like how planets look in the sky, but no longer in a visible triangle shape. One of the points had dropped behind the treeline and the other was nestled next to a building. If I had taken a picture, it would have just shown two planet-like lights in the sky without any evidence of what I had seen. But I know what I saw. And for something to move that fast, that suddenly, and that quietly, I know I had an experience beyond our world.

As expected, I told my girlfriend right after this sighting, and she didn't believe me. I didn't expect her to, as she's not a believer in UFO's, and she doesn't really want there to be extra terrestrial life.
