United States Government Has a Pre-Existing Condition

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
There is currently a battle going on in the American government about health care. As you probably recall, President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, often known by its affectionate nickname “ObamaCare”, has been the source of major controversy in the United States for, well, nearly a decade. Most of this revolves around the idea of a penalty for not signing up for health care and the inflated premiums and deductibles that came as a result of the ObamaCare system. Now, new President Trump has made it a top priority to get rid of ObamaCare as quickly as possible, but the problem with that is the new potential plan is equally as controversial as the previous one.

Ironically, a lot of the new bill seems to not change much at all, although you’ll have trouble getting a Democrat to agree with you on that. One of the major differences revolves around pre-existing conditions. One of the major provisions of the Obama’s plan was that insurance providers couldn’t turn away or charge more to people that already had major health problems. Naturally, this caused premiums to explode, because while that may be a noble cause, it was pretty much a suicidal move from an insurance business standpoint. Now, many are saying that Trump’s plan will cause many, many people to basically be out in the cold. Is it true? Well, as usual, that depends on who you ask.

The new plan does have a provision for pre-existing conditions, but it is quite different. This plan sets aside billions of dollars for a “high-risk” pool that theoretically should allow insurance providers to take on these customers without being so worried about what it will mean for their business and potentially passing along costs to other customers. Will it work? Who knows, right? But we at Common Sense Conspiracy want to point out that this is a classic example of our government colluding to distract us from what is really going on.

While it may seem that the battle lines are drawn between the two major political parties in the United States, the truth is that they are actually very much in on this together. With people like Elizabeth Warren outright saying people are going to die because of this new plan, it creates outrage and uncertainty. If you think that tactic is new, just remember how the other side of the aisle did much the same when ObamaCare was being pitched. They talked about death panels and your grandparents getting sent out to pasture if the government didn’t think they were worth the investment. Once again, none of this came to pass, but what it did do is create plenty of controversy and paranoia. And why would that be a good thing?

Sleight of hand. It’s as old as government itself. While everyone is outraged because of something that is clearly not going to happen, they are making moves that will very much affect each of us.

Look around. War with North Korea is getting closer. A conflict with Russia seems more and more imminent. But we are worried about a health care plan that, at the end of the day, still means our government making decisions about our health care and well-being. Notice how it doesn’t matter which party is in control, the same outcome is inevitable. The so-called party of small government isn’t getting rid of government involvement; they are installing their own version of it. Funny, isn’t it?

Be awake. Be enlightened (sorry for the Illuminati nod there). And make sure you watch what the other hand is doing.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


This is only phase 1. Phase 2, another bill, will open up the free market (selling insurance over state lines). After this happens, premiums will SLOWLY go down due to competition, so the states won't have to pay as much as expected for people like me with
pre-existing conditions. This won't be an instant fix. We have 8 years of Obama's BS to fix and the market will have to fix itself
naturally. It will take time.

And the pre-existing condition situation is a problem. I had cancer. It's gone. I don't deserve insurance? My daughter has asthma. She doesn't deserve insurance? This is why Trump is working hard to fix this. And any accusation from the left that these conditions aren't covered is a lie.

I do not believe this is a distraction. Health Care in America is a **SERIOUS** problem. I am an example, having NO INSURANCE right now. (Bankruptcy is the current middle class' health care plan). America first.
