Very Vivid Dreams

Dr. Malasunto

Junior Member
I had a recurring dream for many years. I was in a library that had a bed in it. A big gorilla was coming, so I would hide under the covers and then wake up.
Then you teleported to the unseen university's library

A university with a gorilla. lol. Perhaps I was seeing the future of liberal ideology. Sorry, I had to.....apologies.
It's just that i remembered the works of sir Terry Pratchett. He's one of my favourites fantasy authors.


New Member
I have dreams every night and I sometimes write them in a journal.
Recently I have had a reoccurring dream where I am riding a bike and last night I hijacked a tractor trailer and wrecked it.
They all end up the same.
I am in an old fire station and they are giving me classes on things I can't remember.
I am a young adult but they all seem to recognize me and assist in the instructions.

I have had some extremely vivid dreams where I am not myself and have no memory of who I am.
One was a dream that consisted of several years of a man's life during WWII..
I killed a man and then went on to blow up a bridge and shoot some soldiers.

Another time I had three dreams in a row that was about a man's life spanning at least 20 years.
I woke up in tears after he buried his 5 year old son.

It took 2 and a half hours to tell the tale of the first one and the other one is going to be a book as soon as I can describe it all.

I have dreams and visions I can play back like a movie only it is more like a memory that I lived through than just a visual experience.

They don't happen like this all the time. Only every few years or so.
I can remember a dream from 15 years ago that was prophetic that had a three part stage.
First part was a red electric car - the Tesla roadster.
Second part was a large white carousel horse with roses in the mane and carved all over it.
I haven't seen that one yet.
The third section was dark and I was not able to see it because "It had not been created yet."

Maybe there are three phases of my life and the last part is where I am dead.
Or maybe I'm not supposed to see it or it doesn't exist anywhere yet.
I don't know .

The one with the child still brings tears to my eyes because it was as real as anything I have experienced in my own life.

What do you think?
Past life? Future life or lives?

