Visit from Grandma - Feather


☀️ Zenith
A few days ago I was taking my morning walk and in my mind I asked my grandmother to visit and prove it by showing me a feather.
The next day, I found this feather in the water EXACTLY where I feed the fish every day.


I wasn't even shocked. I just smiled.

I think it is a hawk feather. The hawks here are tan with striped tails.
my experience has been numerology. 11.
other numbers but mostly 11.
I buried my dad on 11 11 11 and it's been crazy since then to the point of it's become normal. I dont thinki it is just my dad anymore.

Our loved ones will always send a message in something that we will understand, the feather is like a code saying it is her.

Other people say butterflies hummingbird one seen bald eagle here in the valley after her uncle passed

Wheny Grandma passed I didn't get feather or any animals.
I got the strong smell of Lilac's that was my grandma's and mine favorite smell. It is funny how loved ones,who pass reach out the us.
When I lost my son Jan 1,1995
My grandpa I felt his hand on my shoulder and heard him say it will be alright. Hard to say how they will show themselves.
But if you really wanna talk to her open yourself up to her.
Sit quietly controlled breathing eyes closed and talk to her with your mind. If you are open to her you will either hear her or feel her.
BUT advise before you do it, let anything else know that ONLY your grandma ONLY has a right o talk or touch me.
