We Have a New Chatroom!


Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that we have a chatroom again. Feel free to drop by and enjoy the chat with fellow members by clicking on the Chatroom link in the top menu, right under the logo. This Chatroom is 100% hosted on Paranormalis. No more unreliable and clunky IRC chat like what we had to endure for our last several chat events. This chat works a treat!

At all times you can take a look at the "Members in Chat" widget on the forum's home page. This widget is located in the right sidebar, right under "Members online now". With such a widget, it'll be easy to instantly spot if there are people in the chat, and join them right away!

If you guys are interested, we can schedule a chat event in a few weeks, that would be fun. :)

Let me know what you think!

