Why ghost hunt at night?


I suppose people hunt ghosts at night for the spooky atmosphere, but I personally don't believe it is necessary. I think we'd be more apt to see an apparition in daylight. Example: Sprinkle some dust in the dark. You won't see it. Sprinkle the dust and then take a flash photo....voila.... you will see the dust in the photo. It is the same concept of seeing dust particles in a sun beam.

I suppose having fewer distractions helps at night, too.

Does anyone else have a night time preference for investigations?


Senior Member
I believe the reason you ghost hunt at night is there is less Abundant sources to mistake a ghost as something else.

OR The ghosts find it easier to materialize them self at night, think like a chameleon, it is easier to change one color then to hundreds at once.

Then again there is the Witching hour concept, is it 3am or 2am my memory fails me at the moment. BUT that goes as the opposite hour Jesus supposedly died so it is easier for evil spirits to come out, then comes the full moon theory's.

Potentially also they just do not want to be seen? If you were haunting a house for w/e reason would you want people to know you are there?

But me personally i believe the manifestation theory, where ghosts find it easier to manifest them selfs at night rather than during the day, you can technically ghost hunt whenever but for visually seeing a ghost your best luck is at night.


where the wild things are
A lot of ghost hunters employ EMF (Electromagnetic Field) dectors, to detect the manifestation of ghosts. Ghost hunting can be done during the day, but during the day there is a higher amount of EMF activity and other electromagnetic and geomagnetic activity brought on from our sun, hitting the earth during the day. When the earth turns away from the sun, those high end EMF and other electro activities go down, drastically. So therefore its easier to detect EMF without interference from outside sources. And belief is held, that ghosts can manipulate EMF and materialize with the EMF. Ghosts could very well be more probable to manifest during the daytime, however with the hustle and bustle of the world during the day, its much less noticed than at night.


Junior Member
I have had paranormal experiences during the day. Mostly just bumps, voices, and noises; however, the majority of the activity I've experienced occurs at night. My dads house was full of it at night. There are many spiritual/religious theories as to why this is so. I'm sure you have probably heard 3:00 am is the dead our in Christian/Catholicism beliefs because it is the supposed hour of Christ's death on the cross. I think you should test the theory and let us know which is a better time to hunt, night vs. day. That would be an interesting comparison
